NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

In a democracy, NGOs must be allowed to voice opposition to government policies

An Intelligence Bureau report accusing foreign-funded NGOs of instigating or assisting protests and demonstrations against development projects, especially those related to nuclear plants and coal-based power units, have provoked legitimate concern among civil society associations. The classified report is indicative of a siege mentality, suspecting international NGOs like Greenpeace India for penetrating and subverting Indian partner agencies in their alleged objective to stall development initiatives that require environment clearances.

Such suspicions — often based on incomplete or flimsy information that seeks to establish subversive linkages — stem from Soviet-style functioning. Orwellian methods have no place in a free and democratic society where NGOs are entitled to espouse views opposed to that of the government. These views are often one-sided and ideologically driven, while governments typically have to weigh a plethora of factors before arriving at a decision. Governments, therefore, have every right to reject recommendations made by NGOs. But they must allow them to make those recommendations, instead of seeing conspiratorial political activity and assuming a threat to national security in everything they do.

Intelligence agencies are mandated to keep watch over the flow of unauthorized funds and the manner in which they are utilised. Some degree of regulation of foreign monetary contributions is lawful and necessary. But curbing criticism of government policies and viewing all NGOs as having the potential to destabilise development is deplorable. By doing a cut-and-paste and apparently lifting passages from a Modi speech delivered many years ago, IB may be going overboard to please the new executive. It needs to do its job, rather than take the easy way out and curry favour with political masters. And if the NDA government wants to suppress NGOs, it should remember that RSS too is an NGO.
