Dear Friends,
I sincerely hope that you are all fine and your organisations are doing well to help the people for whom you work.
I am J.K. Chattopadhyay, former Deputy Secretary (FCRA), Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. Some of you would kindly recollect about my earlier mails in November-December, 2012 requesting you to procure my book "FCRA, 2010 Made Easy ‒ 250 Q & A". The book has been sold out. I take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks to all those who have evinced interest in the book and/or purchased it. Your enthusiastic response is a confirmation of my belief that such a book is needed not only for the NGOs across the country but also for the other practitioners of FCRA, viz., CAs and consultants.
Encouraged by your response, I have now come up with a revised and enlarged 2nd Edition of the book titled "FCRA, 2010 Made Easy ‒ 300 Q & A". In this 2nd Edition, I have added 50 new questions and rearranged certain questions & modified replies thereto in order to make the issues simpler. Further, all the latest procedural developments related to FCRA which were announced by the Ministry of Home Affairs (FCRA Wing) after publication of the first edition have been incorporated in this 2nd Edition.
I would like to reiterate that there is no other book like this because it provides answers to all the queries that are often raised about application of FCRA in various situations and issues not explained elsewhere and serves as a practical guidebook on FCRA and its applications.
From my experience as the former in-charge of MHA’s FCRA Wing, I know that apart from the organisations desirous of obtaining registration or prior permission under FCRA, even those who have got the same need guidance on various issues from time to time. Further, of late MHA is taking measures towards enforcing compliance of the Act by the organisations, e.g., cancellation of registration of a large number of associations for defaulting to file annual returns; recent notification for imposition of penalty for delay in submission of annual returns, even where no FC was received, and therefore, scrupulous compliance would be a deciding factor in the coming days, especially for renewal of registration. I can assure you that the book fulfills the aim of helping the NGO sector in this regard.
I request you to kindly go through the attached flier wherein I have indicated the highlights of the book and order a copy for your organisation. I also request you to kindly pass on this mail to the NGOs known to you.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
J.K. Chattopadhyay
B – 343 (G.F.), C.R. Park
New Delhi – 110019
Mobile: +919868213579 / +919868208979
Landline: 011-26271788
E-mail: /
The price of the book is Rs. 600/- (Please add Rs. 70/- as courier charges if DTDC courier service is available at your place OR please add Rs. 100/- if you wish to receive the book by Speed Post). (Attractive discount on purchase of 5 and more copies).
The amount may be deposited in the following Bank Account and a scanned copy of the Bank receipt may be e-mailed to me:
Name of the Bank: Corporation Bank
Branch: Lodhi Complex
Address: Block 11, Ground Floor, C.G.O. Complex, New Delhi-110003
IFSC Code: CORP0000371
Name of A/c: J.K. Chattopadhyay
A/c No: 037100101014890 (To be quoted for RTGS/NEFT)
The amount may also be paid through Cheque/Demand Draft/Pay Order in favour of Mr. J.K. Chattopadhyay and sent to me at my residential address duly mentioning complete postal address and mobile number of the recipient. The book may also be collected from my residence.