NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, May 12, 2014

Project Proposal invited under "Nai Roshni" for 2014-15

Government of India, Ministry of Minority Affairs
Project Proposal invited under "Nai Roshni" for 2014-15
The Scheme of Leadership Development of Minority Women

Important Instructions:
1. Application form should be completely filled and duly signed by President/Secretary of the organization.
2. The Index and page numbering should be properly done by the organization. Without Indexing and Page numbering the proposal will not be examined.
3. Information for Mandatory criteria should be given clearly and specifically. The weightage for each mandatory criteria is available on Ministry's website  
4. It is mandatory to give complete information in the format. Incomplete forms will be rejected without notice. No supplementary document will be entertained after the submission of proposal.
5. The organizations shall submit their Application forms to respective District Collectors/District Magistrates/Deputy Commissioners through their District Minority Welfare Officer/Social Welfare Officer etc.
6. District Collectors/District Magistrates/Deputy Commissioners after verifying the credentials of organization, shall sent it directly to:

The Director (RM&L)
Ministry of Minority Affairs
11th Floor, Paryavaran Bhawan
CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi-110003.

7. States/UTs may design their own procedures for verification of credentials of organizations and their monitoring.
8. The last date of submission of completed Application Forms to reach to Government of India from District collectors/ District Magistrates is 16th May, 2014.
For further details NGOs can visit the ministry’s website or they can approach Director, CAVE for any assistance in finalizing proposals.