NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


India USAID-New Delhi — Agency for International Development

Source at:

The United States Agency for International Development Mission India (USAID/India) is inviting Concept Papers from local organizations registered in India to apply for Health Systems Strengthening, Quality Improvement, and RMNCH+A Scale-Up projects.

Organizations are invited to identify and suggest ways to catalyze, facilitate, and support interventions, development solutions, innovations, and partnerships to support improvements in the health of vulnerable populations in India. Selected concept papers will be invited to submit full proposals.

The major objective of the call is to improve specific critical elements of the health system to increase access to and quality of priority reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health (RMNCH) services at scale to respond to – the Government of India’s Call for Action Child Survival and Development to accelerate child survival and development; and USAID’s global goals to end preventable maternal and child deaths. Targeted population includes the vulnerable, marginalized, and underserved populations spread across rural areas, urban slums, and tribal pockets.

Program Areas –

1. Human Resources for Health – up to $12 million for a period of 4 years.

2. Health Care Financing – up to $8 million for a period of 4 years.

3. Engaging the Private Sector in Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child, and Reproductive Health (RMNCH+A) Care – up to $5 million for a period of 4 years.

4. Quality Data for Decision Making – up to $9 million for a period of 4 years.

5. Scaling Up Interventions in Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health – in between $10 million to $25 million for a period of 4 years. Geographic priorities include – National level and specifically at least 30 priority districts in selected states.

6. Increased quality of RMNCH+A and tuberculosis services – up to $15 million for a period of 4 years.

Eligibility Criteria –

o Organizations registered in India, including non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, faith-based groups, labor unions, universities or institutes, para-statal organizations, consulting firms, research institutions, or for-profit organizations are eligible to submit the concept paper.

o Applicant must be organized under the law, with its principal place of activity/business in India and be majority owned by Indian citizens or lawful permanent residents of India, or be managed by a governing body majority owned by Indian citizens or lawful permanent residents of India.

o Applicant must not be controlled by a foreign entity or by an individual or individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of India.

o Applicant must have at least 3 years of experience implementing similar types of programs.

o Applicant must demonstrate the institutional/management capacity to manage donor funds.

o Applicant must have in place monitoring and evaluation systems.

o Applicant must demonstrate linkages to local networks.

o An international sub-partner may be proposed for technical assistance for a minimal period of time.

Deadline: 26 June 2014

For more information, please visit and search for funding opportunity number APS-386-13-000006. Click Full Announcement and download relevant documents.



For further questions please contact :

Vandana Shali Vats, Acquisition & Assistance Specialist, USAID/India C/o American Embassy, Shantipath, Chanakya Puri, India. E-mail should be sent to e-mail address: with a copy to , Phone +91 11 24198568