NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Funding announcement

Organization: NetHope
Deadline: 2nd Jun 2014
Interest Area(s): Community, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights,
NGO Capacity Bldg and Social & Human Services

NetHope and Visa are pleased to announce a second series of Visa Innovation Grants for development and non-profit organizations seeking to adopt or expand the use of electronic payments in their programs and operations. In 2013, NetHope and Visa launched the Visa Innovation Grants and awarded five grants to non-profit humanitarian and development organizations to support their innovation, implementation and adoption of electronic transfers and payments within their programs and organizations. In this second round of Visa Innovation Grants, Visa and NetHope will continue to seek to encourage and support the innovative use of electronic payments by development and non-profit organizations with a particular interest in proposals from certain geographical areas and sectors that demonstrate the ability to scale use of electronic payments. Specifically, they strongly encourage submission of proposals for projects in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mexico and East Africa. In addition, projects applying innovative use of e-payments in the sectors of Agriculture, Health, Education, Emergency Relief, Community-based Savings/Lending and Microfinance are encouraged.

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