NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, May 15, 2014

AccountAid Workshop 2014: CSR & Grant- Making

Accountaid Workshop on

Legal and Financial Risk Management

in CSR and Grant-making (2014)

We are pleased to announce the details of AccountAid’s annual workshop on Legal and Financial Risk Management (FRM) in CSR and Grant-making. Similar workshops have been held a number of times since 1999. This year’s workshop is being organized at Delhi in collaboration with CRY – Child Rights & You.

Design & contents: The workshop is meant to help grant-makers and CSR managers understand how to collaborate effectively and safely with NGOs. It is designed as a series of interactive presentations, followed by group discussion and exercises. The key facilitator will be Sh. Sanjay Agarwal, FCA.


· CSR and NGO Collaboration

· FCRA in CSR and grant-making

· Service Tax & Income Tax implications

· Grant Budgeting and Reporting

· Financial Monitoring

Participants: People working full-time in grant-making agencies, Foundations or Corporate CSR Departments are likely to find this workshop useful.

Dates: The workshop is scheduled for 20-22 August 2014 in Delhi. The workshop timings are 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day.

Venue: In Chhattarpur, New Delhi (details to be advised on registration)



Normal Price

Early Bird Price




Residential – twin-sharing



Residential – single occupancy



The above amount includes fees, course-material, lunch and service tax. Non-residential participants need to make their own arrangements for travel and stay and bear the related expenses.

For residential participants, all meals and stay at the venue is also included in the course fees.

Registration: Participation is limited to about 30 persons for better interaction. Registration is offered on first come, first served basis and will close by 10th August 2014.

Early bird price is valid only if the registration amount is received by 30th June 2014.

Please send the following details of the participants, along with the payment on your organization’s letterhead or using your official email-id:



Organisation’s name:

Postal Address:


Office landline no.:

Mobile no:

Payment: By account payee cheque or draft favoring ‘AccountAid India, New Delhi’. NEFT details are available on request.

Cancellation & refunds:

Date of cancellation

Amount of refund

Upto 10th August ‘14


10th Aug – 15th Aug’14


16th Aug ’14 or later


All refunds are made by account payee cheque / draft / NEFT.

Contact Numbers: In case you need any information, you may contact Soumya at or on the office numbers given below.

AccountAid India

55-B, Pkt. C, Siddharth Extension, New Delhi – 110 014

Tel: 011-2634 3128 Tel/Fax: 2634 3852

