NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, February 24, 2014

Announcing Human Development Fellowships 2014

The International Centre for Human Development (IC4HD) announces 12 human development fellowships for 2014. The fellowships offered by the Centre support innovative analytical work on major human development issues. The theme of this year’s fellowships is Social Protection and Security in the Global South. IC4HD is a joint initiative of the Government of India and UNDP.

About the Fellowships
Fellowships are open to mid-career professionals including academics, civil servants and civil society practitioners. The selected fellows will receive INR 150,000 per month, and will be hosted by the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies in Shimla, India, for either three, six or nine months. The deadline for submitting applications is 02 March 2014.

The fellowships will start on the following dates:
·        1 April 2014, or 15 July 2014 in case a three-month duration is proposed
·        1 April 2014 or 15 June 2014 in the case a six-month duration is proposed
·        1 April 2014 in case a nine-month duration is proposed

Applications are invited from all eligible candidates. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants are required to fulfil the following eligibility criteria to be considered for the fellowship:
·        Must be a citizen of a country of selected countries of the global South
·        Masters degree in a relevant discipline is desirable
·        Should be between 38 and 48 years of age (at the time of the closing date of the applications)
·        Should have at least 10-12 years of relevant working experience
·        Should not be a UN staff member or a Indian Institute of Advanced Study staff/fellow
The other selection criteria, which will be considered to shortlist applications, include:
·        Exceptional creativity in choice of topic
·        Value addition or new direction to the human development concept, methodology, analysis, application and policy relevance
·        Track record of past accomplishments
·        Time needed for completing the work

Application Process
Applicants whose native language is not English are expected to have the ability to write and converse fluently in English. All candidates must complete a formal application in English, including:
·        Application form (available online), inclusive of the time period preferred and duration of the fellowship (3 or 6 months or 9 months)
·        Summary statement of the objectives of the proposal
·        Project proposal, not exceeding 1,000 words, which does not involve fieldwork with data collection that highlights the main contours of the research to be undertaken during the tenure of the Fellowship which is residential. The questions that the research aims to address, in line with the theme of the fellowship, and the reasons behind their selection should be clearly stated
·        Curriculum vitae
·        Two references (email and telephone number should be indicated). One of the referees should be the current supervisor
·        Pre-approval for leave should be obtained by candidates from the current employer
Completed applications should be sent
Incomplete applications or those received after the due date will not be processed.