NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Irish Aid in India – encouraging new ideas

In-country Micro Project Scheme (India)
 Guidelines for applicant NGOs – 2013

The Embassy of Ireland has funds from the In-country Micro Project Scheme of Irish Aid available to assist NGOs in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The scheme is focussed on projects that tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice. Priority is given to sustainable projects.
The objectives of the In-country Micro Project Scheme are to prevent hunger, improve access to essential services, empower women and marginalised communities, social justice, help local communities advocate for themselves and to combat climate change.
The scheme is administered by the Embassy of Ireland, New Delhi. The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance (Government of India), are joint reviewers of the applications.  Applicants are requested to send a short proposal (500 words maximum) by e-mail or by post. If the project is suitable, they will be requested to complete a more details proposal form. We cannot engage in detailed discussions with unsuccessful projects.  
A visit is arranged before funding is considered. Funded projects are inspected and audited regularly to ensure funds are used properly. Successful projects will work closely with the Embassy of Ireland and Irish Aid on all reviews.

Geographical Priority: Due to modest resource allocation for Irish Aid program in the country, the priority focus is on Delhi NCR.  Secondary focus is on Orissa
Thematic Sectors: The primary thematic focus will be on Basic Education, Primary Health Care (Maternal and new born health care) and secondary focus on Micro-enterprise Development, Water and Sanitation, and Training and Capacity Building towards good governance and HIV/AIDS. Most successful projects cross cut a number of issues.
Size of grants and Budget aspects: The maximum ceiling for funding is 70% of project costs, 30% must be covered by the NGO or other donors. The maximum monetary amount is €26,000 per year. The grant will be decided on a case to case basis. Projects are funded for a maximum of three years.
Duration: The duration of grants approved under the scheme is between 1 and 3 years.
Exclusions from funding: The following activities will NOT be eligible for funding support under the ICMPS scheme:
·         Welfare support(s) and that are not sustainable
·         Individual or family support.
·         Major infrastructural schemes
·         Educational scholarships
·         Projects that involve evangelization for the proselytizing of religious beliefs.
·         Retrospective Expenditure (i.e. cost incurred prior to the date of submission of the application)
·         International Travel.
·         Emergency projects that are in response to natural or human disasters.
Organisational Eligibility: NGOs must be registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA1976/amended 2010). Projects will not be considered if the NGO’s registration and mandatory reports with FCRA department are not up to date. Applicant organisations are expected to have references and have successfully completed projects in the past. References will be requested and checked.  All organisations which have contact with young children and vulnerable adults must provide a child protection policy setting out the procedures to be followed and safeguards in place.
Application Procedure: Applicants should send a short proposal by e-mail or by regular mail. The maximum length is 500 words. Applicants may wish to provide two references from other donors. Applicants will only be contacted if they are successful. If you do not receive a response, your application has not been successful. We cannot engage with detailed discussion with unsuccessful applicants. Applications will not be discussed over the phone. Please send all queries in writing to
The Program Officer,
Development Cooperation Section,
Embassy of Ireland,
C-17 Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi – 110 021

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