NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, December 14, 2013

BioSand Water Filter - India Training - Transforming Villages

Dear Government of Odisha & Odisha NGO's:

My name is Shivani Kumar and I live in Los Angeles. My team and I are introducing a simple, eco-friendly, clean water technology in India, known as BioSand Water Filters. We feel this training is in line with the community work you are currently doing! I am hopeful you can help spread the word to your networks.

Biosand Water Filters are a concrete structure, about 4 ft high, filled inside with fine sand and pebbles. Contaminated water is poured on top, and the water makes it's way down through the sand and pebbles, and comes out the other end almost pure drinking water! 

The Filter removes the following: 

98% of bacteria
100% of viruses
95% of iron
93% arsenic
99% protozoa, amoebas, metals, and worms.

It removes contamination from rivers, lakes, wells, ponds, rainwater, etc.

The Filter's capabilities:

Lasts for 30 years
No replacement parts required
Produces 300 liters per day
Serves 15 people per filter
Locally made of cement, sand, pebbles
Dramatic reduction of illnesses/deaths in countries utilizing this technology

My team from the U.S. and I will be conducting two training programs in India with the goal being to train NGO leaders/staff so that they can spread this simple technology in their regions. Our 2014 Trainings:

Rishikesh - Jan 23-27
Bangalore - Feb 3-7

* I am attaching our training flyer (PDF version and WORD version) along with a picture of the BioSand filter.

Please do email me if your organization is interested in getting trained, or help us spread the word to your network of organizations! I will be very grateful for any help and support in this endeavor.

There are limited seats available, if interested, please have people register soon! Please include the following for registration: Name, Email, Address, Phone, Organization Name, Training Location Preference, Experience with Social Projects.

Shivani Kumar
BioSand Filter Coordinator, India

SAPWII, Country Representative, India

Space is Limited – Register Now!
South Asia Pure Water Initiative, Inc. –  & Friendly Water for the World –