NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, October 11, 2013

Online FCRA Reporting By Banks

All banks have to report certain receipts to FCRA Department. There are two kinds of receipts which have to be reported:

1. Where a person receives foreign contribution, without FCRA registration or prior-permission.
2. Where a person receives foreign contribution of Rs.1 crore or more in a calendar month.
In both cases, the report is to be sent within 30 days.
The Ministry now wants this information to be reported online. Banks have to create a user ID and password for this. The report can be created in Excel, CSV or txt formats, and then uploaded.
Online reporting for bank is optional till 31st October. From 1st November’13, it will become compulsory.

·     MHA letter No.II/21022/23(70)/2013-FCRA-III. (Aug’13);
·     User Guide for banks:
·      MHA online reporting login: