Expert NGO Consultancy Services for the Indian NGOs and Career Information, Job Placements, Admission Supports along with Other Common Services for Citizens and Students. Please Call us at: 9040406626 or e-mail at: and visit our Website:
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Online FCRA Reporting By Banks
All banks have to report certain receipts to FCRA Department.
There are two kinds of receipts which have to be reported:
1. Where a person receives
foreign contribution, without FCRA registration or prior-permission.
2. Where a person receives
foreign contribution of Rs.1 crore or more in a calendar month.
In both cases, the report is to
be sent within 30 days.
The Ministry now wants this
information to be reported online. Banks have to create a user ID and password
for this. The report can be created in Excel, CSV or txt formats, and then
Online reporting for bank is
optional till 31st October.
From 1st November’13,
it will become compulsory.
· MHA letter
No.II/21022/23(70)/2013-FCRA- III. (Aug’13); FCRARule16-270813.pdf
Humanitarian Innovation Funds 6th Call for Large Grant Proposals
Agency Name: Humanitarian Innovation Fund
The deadline to submit an 'Expressions
of Interest' for the HIF large grant facility is 28th October
The Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF)
has announced the launch of the 6th call for large grant proposals. The Fund
supports innovative ideas or solutions to a problem facing the delivery of
humanitarian aid. Twice every year it seeks large grant proposals to provide
funding grants from £75,000 to £150,000.
The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance. It works by enabling and supporting humanitarian innovators to move creative ideas through the innovation process; supporting them in building new partnerships with key actors; enabling the lessons from grant funded projects and from analysis of innovation processes in humanitarian contexts to be disseminated more widely and strengthening existing relationships between humanitarian agencies, academics and those in the private sector engaged in innovation processes.
The Fund provides funding in the following areas:
1.Development of an innovation by creating practical, actionable plans and guidelines. For instance turning ideas into action, transforming designs from the drawing board into real-world solutions.
2.Implementation of an innovation to produce real examples of changed practice, testing the innovation to see how it compares to existing solutions. Often pilot projects are used to establish how an innovation performs in practice – indicating whether it is successful and should be scaled-up.
Initially only Expression of Interest (EoI) has to be submitted. EoI can only be submitted online. After reviewing the EoI, HIF will contact potential grantees to submit full proposals. - See more at:
The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance. It works by enabling and supporting humanitarian innovators to move creative ideas through the innovation process; supporting them in building new partnerships with key actors; enabling the lessons from grant funded projects and from analysis of innovation processes in humanitarian contexts to be disseminated more widely and strengthening existing relationships between humanitarian agencies, academics and those in the private sector engaged in innovation processes.
The Fund provides funding in the following areas:
1.Development of an innovation by creating practical, actionable plans and guidelines. For instance turning ideas into action, transforming designs from the drawing board into real-world solutions.
2.Implementation of an innovation to produce real examples of changed practice, testing the innovation to see how it compares to existing solutions. Often pilot projects are used to establish how an innovation performs in practice – indicating whether it is successful and should be scaled-up.
Initially only Expression of Interest (EoI) has to be submitted. EoI can only be submitted online. After reviewing the EoI, HIF will contact potential grantees to submit full proposals. - See more at:
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
2 Days workshop on Digital and Social Media for NGOs in Delhi
Digital and Social Media for NGOs
By South Asian Fund Raising Group
29-30 October 2013, New Delhi
The Power of Social Media is
transforming the way in which NGOs accomplish their missions.
Most Nonprofits are
experimenting with Social Media but, the uptake is still limited and not a part
of broader strategic approach, also Nonprofits struggle to measure value for
However, it’s increasingly
important to consider these options as a key part of your fundraising strategy.
Attend Practical workshop to leverage & integrate Digital and Social
Media for fundraising and communication for your NGO …….let’s experience &
learn the easy-fun way.
In this workshop:
• Social Media and Digital Marketing Overview
• Social Media - beyond basics
• Social media, Digital Marketing tools, communications and engagement
• Search engine optimisation
• Google for non-profits and Google analytics
• Digital Brand Building (Marketing) through Social Media – Facebook,
Twitter, Linkedin, Videos, viral marketing, pinterest
• Case studies and group discussions
• Design Campaigns: How to leverage & integrate Social
Media with fundraising strategy
For more details and registration
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Some one asked her,
Are you a working woman or a house-wife?
She replied: Yes I am a full time working house-wife.
I work 24 hours a day
I’m a mom,
I’m a wife,
I’m a daughter,
I’m a daughter-in-law,
I’m an Alarm clock,
I’m a Cook,
I’m a Maid,
I’m a Teacher,
I’m a waiter,
I’m a nanny,
I’m a nurse,
I’m a handyman,
I’m a Security officer,
I’m a Counsellor,
I’m a comforter,
I don’t get holidays,
I don’t get sick leave,
I don’t get day off,
I work through day and night,
I’m on call all hours and get paid with a sentence:
“What do you do all day”
Are you a working woman or a house-wife?
She replied: Yes I am a full time working house-wife.
I work 24 hours a day
I’m a mom,
I’m a wife,
I’m a daughter,
I’m a daughter-in-law,
I’m an Alarm clock,
I’m a Cook,
I’m a Maid,
I’m a Teacher,
I’m a waiter,
I’m a nanny,
I’m a nurse,
I’m a handyman,
I’m a Security officer,
I’m a Counsellor,
I’m a comforter,
I don’t get holidays,
I don’t get sick leave,
I don’t get day off,
I work through day and night,
I’m on call all hours and get paid with a sentence:
“What do you do all day”
Friday, October 4, 2013
AsianNGO Launch
We are excited to inform
you that AsianNGO ~ Beta Portal has been launched and is available for access.
You can now access all the latest Funds, Partners & Learning information to
make your everyday tasks simpler...completely free.
Please Visit:
World Food Programmes New Innovation Fund for NGOs
Name: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
Last Date: November 15, 2013
Last Date: November 15, 2013
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has announced a new Fund
for NGOs called the Cooperating Partners Innovation Fund (CPIF). This Fund aims
to promote collaboration with NGOs in the design and development of new tools
and approaches for food assistance.
WFP has recognized that NGOs have pioneered “market-based programming approaches that amplify the impact of food assistance programmes. NGOs have also been first movers in adapting private sector technology and business models to social programming and food assistance generally, and specifically to cash and voucher programming.
The focus of this Fund in 2013 is the ‘Cash and Voucher’ programming as a key opportunity for collaboration.
There are up to $1 million in total funds available for autumn 2013 awards. Within the available resources, there is no pre-determined maximum or minimum award. WFP reserves the right to carry over resources to a sub sequent solicitation of proposals.
Eligible applicants include national and international NGOs with valid registration in the country from where the application is initiated and, if different, with documented authorization to work in the country or countries where the proposed innovation will be developed. If selected applicants are not already WFP Cooperating Partners, WFP will undertake standard due diligence to ensure suitability of a partnership relationship prior to issuing an award.
WFP has recognized that NGOs have pioneered “market-based programming approaches that amplify the impact of food assistance programmes. NGOs have also been first movers in adapting private sector technology and business models to social programming and food assistance generally, and specifically to cash and voucher programming.
The focus of this Fund in 2013 is the ‘Cash and Voucher’ programming as a key opportunity for collaboration.
There are up to $1 million in total funds available for autumn 2013 awards. Within the available resources, there is no pre-determined maximum or minimum award. WFP reserves the right to carry over resources to a sub sequent solicitation of proposals.
Eligible applicants include national and international NGOs with valid registration in the country from where the application is initiated and, if different, with documented authorization to work in the country or countries where the proposed innovation will be developed. If selected applicants are not already WFP Cooperating Partners, WFP will undertake standard due diligence to ensure suitability of a partnership relationship prior to issuing an award.
For More Informations:
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Organization: United Nations Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues
Deadline: 1st Nov 2013
Interest Area(s): Community, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Arts, NGO Capacity Bldg and
Social & Human Services
The Trust Fund for the Second Decade was established to promote, support and
implement the objectives of the Decade. The Fund gives priority to projects concerning
the culture, education, health, human rights, the environment and social and
economic development. Indigenous organizations or organizations working for
indigenous peoples can apply for small grants from the Trust Fund. Full
guidelines to applicants for the Fund are available on line. The Fund is mainly
used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US$ 10,000 covering one
year's expenses. This year, priority will be given to projects that focus on the
areas of (i) culture (with a specific focus on indigenous languages); and (ii) the
environment (with a specific focus on the respect of the principle of free,
prior and informed consent).
Deadline: 1st Nov 2013
Interest Area(s): Community, Education, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Arts, NGO Capacity Bldg and
Social & Human Services
The Trust Fund for the Second Decade was established to promote, support and
implement the objectives of the Decade. The Fund gives priority to projects concerning
the culture, education, health, human rights, the environment and social and
economic development. Indigenous organizations or organizations working for
indigenous peoples can apply for small grants from the Trust Fund. Full
guidelines to applicants for the Fund are available on line. The Fund is mainly
used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US$ 10,000 covering one
year's expenses. This year, priority will be given to projects that focus on the
areas of (i) culture (with a specific focus on indigenous languages); and (ii) the
environment (with a specific focus on the respect of the principle of free,
prior and informed consent).
La Caixa Foundation (Barcelona) makes grants for projects in socioeconomic development
Organization: La Caixa Foundation
Deadline: 13th Dec 2013
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Disabled, Education, Environment,
Health, Arts, Medical Research, NGO Capacity Bldg, Social & Human Services and Science &
La Caixa Foundation (Barcelona) makes grants for projects in socioeconomic
development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Past grants include many in
aspects of agriculture, energy, and environment. The program is open to
Spanish nonprofit organizations and local partners for grants up to €450 thousand.
Areas of interest include poverty and social exclusion, integration into work,
health, young people, older people, international cooperation, culture,
environment, and sciene & research.
Deadline: 13th Dec 2013
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Disabled, Education, Environment,
Health, Arts, Medical Research, NGO Capacity Bldg, Social & Human Services and Science &
La Caixa Foundation (Barcelona) makes grants for projects in socioeconomic
development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Past grants include many in
aspects of agriculture, energy, and environment. The program is open to
Spanish nonprofit organizations and local partners for grants up to €450 thousand.
Areas of interest include poverty and social exclusion, integration into work,
health, young people, older people, international cooperation, culture,
environment, and sciene & research.
Conservation Food and Health Foundation
Organization: Conservation Food and
Health Foundation
Deadline: 1st Jan and 1st Jul each year
Interest Area(s): Community, Conservation, Environment, Health and NGO Capacity Bldg
The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation seeks to promote the conservation of
natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and improve
health in the developing world. The foundation helps build capacity within developing
countries in its three areas of interest with grants that support research or projects
that solve specific problems. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate
strong local leadership, promote professional development in the conservation,
agricultural, and health sciences; develop the capacity of local organizations; and
address a particular problem in the field. It prefers to support projects addressing
under-funded issues and geographic areas. The foundation's geographic focus
is the developing world. It prefers to support organizations located in developing
countries or to developed country organizations whose activities are of direct
and immediate benefit to developing countries. The foundation does not consider
the states of the former Soviet Union or former Eastern Bloc countries as
within its geographic focus.
Deadline: 1st Jan and 1st Jul each year
Interest Area(s): Community, Conservation, Environment, Health and NGO Capacity Bldg
The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation seeks to promote the conservation of
natural resources, improve the production and distribution of food, and improve
health in the developing world. The foundation helps build capacity within developing
countries in its three areas of interest with grants that support research or projects
that solve specific problems. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate
strong local leadership, promote professional development in the conservation,
agricultural, and health sciences; develop the capacity of local organizations; and
address a particular problem in the field. It prefers to support projects addressing
under-funded issues and geographic areas. The foundation's geographic focus
is the developing world. It prefers to support organizations located in developing
countries or to developed country organizations whose activities are of direct
and immediate benefit to developing countries. The foundation does not consider
the states of the former Soviet Union or former Eastern Bloc countries as
within its geographic focus.
JWH Initiative
Organization: JWH Initiative
Deadline: 1st Dec 2013
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Education and Environment
In order to promote lasting change towards a more sustainable world the environmental
movement is in constant need of inspirational and skilful leadership. Young people
working for environmental CSOs, especially in developing countries, often have
few opportunities to develop leadership skills due to a lack of resources for schooling,
training or practical learning. The Joke Waller-Hunter (JWH) Initiative creates
opportunities for young people in the environmental sector in developing countries
to unfold their full potential. By giving small grants to individuals to expand their
knowledge, experience and training, the Initiative aims to strengthen environmental
Civil Society Organisations capacity and efficiency. The mission of the JWH
Initiative is thus to provide an accessible and tailored small grant for education
and training of individuals who are nominated by their organisation as potential
future leaders. Nomination can only be made by an environmental Civil Society
Organisations or nominators working in these organisations. Candidates
can come from anywhere except from 'advanced economies'. See
website for full list.
Deadline: 1st Dec 2013
Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Education and Environment
In order to promote lasting change towards a more sustainable world the environmental
movement is in constant need of inspirational and skilful leadership. Young people
working for environmental CSOs, especially in developing countries, often have
few opportunities to develop leadership skills due to a lack of resources for schooling,
training or practical learning. The Joke Waller-Hunter (JWH) Initiative creates
opportunities for young people in the environmental sector in developing countries
to unfold their full potential. By giving small grants to individuals to expand their
knowledge, experience and training, the Initiative aims to strengthen environmental
Civil Society Organisations capacity and efficiency. The mission of the JWH
Initiative is thus to provide an accessible and tailored small grant for education
and training of individuals who are nominated by their organisation as potential
future leaders. Nomination can only be made by an environmental Civil Society
Organisations or nominators working in these organisations. Candidates
can come from anywhere except from 'advanced economies'. See
website for full list.
The Asian Cultural Council supports international dialogue
Asian Cultural Council
Deadline: 1st Nov 2013
Interest Area(s): Arts
The Asian Cultural Council supports international dialogue, understanding, and respect
through cultural exchange and nurtures the individual talents of artists and scholars in
Asia and the United States. Asian Cultural Council grants are open to citizens and
permanent residents of the United States or citizens and permanent residents of the
countries of Asia, from Afghanistan eastward through Japan and Indonesia (see the
website for a full list of eligible countries). Individuals and non-profit organizations that
meet the guidelines contained on the website are welcome to apply.
Deadline: 1st Nov 2013
Interest Area(s): Arts
The Asian Cultural Council supports international dialogue, understanding, and respect
through cultural exchange and nurtures the individual talents of artists and scholars in
Asia and the United States. Asian Cultural Council grants are open to citizens and
permanent residents of the United States or citizens and permanent residents of the
countries of Asia, from Afghanistan eastward through Japan and Indonesia (see the
website for a full list of eligible countries). Individuals and non-profit organizations that
meet the guidelines contained on the website are welcome to apply.
The Asian Cultural Council supports international dialogue
Asian Cultural Council
Deadline: 1st Nov 2013
Interest Area(s): Arts
The Asian Cultural Council supports international dialogue, understanding, and respect
through cultural exchange and nurtures the individual talents of artists and scholars in
Asia and the United States. Asian Cultural Council grants are open to citizens and
permanent residents of the United States or citizens and permanent residents of the
countries of Asia, from Afghanistan eastward through Japan and Indonesia (see the
website for a full list of eligible countries). Individuals and non-profit organizations that
meet the guidelines contained on the website are welcome to apply.
Deadline: 1st Nov 2013
Interest Area(s): Arts
The Asian Cultural Council supports international dialogue, understanding, and respect
through cultural exchange and nurtures the individual talents of artists and scholars in
Asia and the United States. Asian Cultural Council grants are open to citizens and
permanent residents of the United States or citizens and permanent residents of the
countries of Asia, from Afghanistan eastward through Japan and Indonesia (see the
website for a full list of eligible countries). Individuals and non-profit organizations that
meet the guidelines contained on the website are welcome to apply.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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