NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Training Programmes

Dear Sir / Madam
Greetings from ACE!
We give below the September 2013 Training program Schedule
13-09-2013 - TNVAT Audit Report - Form WW
Coverage: Introduction of Audit Report - Basics to be prepared before preparing report - Appointment of Auditors - Set of documents to be prepared before filling the form WW - Line by line how to fill the form Audit Report Form WW - What to do before and after filing the Audit report - What are the precautions required to be understood before filling the forms and ratios - Implication of wrong filling of audit report in form WW
27-09-2013 - Service Tax in our Business
Coverage: Services tax status after 1.7.2012 and updates - Declared Services - Reverse charge and its implications - Negative list - Mega excemption notification analysis - Abatement analysis - POTR - Place of provision of service analysis - Benefits to exporters - VCES scheme
 Venue: Ace Academy Private Limited, 25/30, Krishnasamy Avenue, Luz, Mylapore, Chennai - 600004
 Time: 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM
 Duration - 3 hours - each
 Fee: Rs.1000/- per head - per program
 Content: Materials only
Please reserve your seats in advance.
Thanks & Regards
Head - Business Training
Ace Academy Private Limited
31/14, Krishnasamy Avenue, Luz
Chennai - 600004