NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, September 6, 2013

DFID Support for Indian NGOs - India’s Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme (PACS)

Name of ODA agency/Ministry


Name of grant programme

India’s Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme (PACS)

The purpose of the PACS programme is to build capacities of CSOs in the poorest districts of India to facilitate marginalised communities in realising their entitlements. The PACS programme concentrates on the 100 poorest districts with the lowest social, economic and political indicators across the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Maharashtra. Since 2001, PACS has supported networks of CSOs aiming to increase the capacity of poor people to demand and use political, economic, and social and human rights instruments and services to improve their lives.

Types of grant

The grants provide full funding for Civil Society Projects.

Grant size

The estimated annual budget for projects can range between INR 1,000,000 (Rs.10 Lakhs) and INR 4,000,000 (INR 40 Lakhs). The scale of the funding will depend upon the scale of the project and the outcomes envisaged.

Own Contribution

The Programme covers up to 100% of the total project cost.

Funding Priorities

• Strengthen demand for improved delivery of services
• Make service providers more responsive and accountable
• Address the different forms of barriers and discrimination socially excluded groups face in claiming
services and benefits.

The programme’s main thematic priorities are:

• Livelihood Rights
• Right to basic services on education, health and Nutrition

The Fund covers the following geographic areas: Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh.

Eligibility Criteria

Only CSOs who are registered under FCRA and under Section 12AA of Income Tax Act can apply for support under PACS.


Detailed guidelines along with Concept Note Format are available and can be downloaded from the announcement section of the website .

Project Duration

The duration of the projects should not be less than one year and can be for maximum up to four years.

Application deadlines are published with each call for proposal.

Application Forms

Detailed guidelines along with Concept Note Format are available and can be downloaded from the announcement section of the website .

Application and Procedures

The process of getting support from PACS programme involves the following stages:

1. Submission of concept note within timeline as announced in the call for concept notes in prescribed format and according to concept note guidelines as available on
2. Screening of concept notes, followed by evaluation, and approval of concept notes by the Regional Project Selection Committee.
3. Pre-funding appraisal of CSOs/CSO networks whose concept notes have been approved by the Regional Project Selection Committee.
4. On successful completion of prefunding appraisal, CSOs will be invited to submit detailed project proposal.
5. Screening and approval of submitted Project Proposals by the Project Screening Committee.
6. Award of contract to CSOs whose project proposals are finally approved by DEA, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

English or Hindi

Look out for the announcement of future calls on the PACS website



+91 11 24372660,24372699


PACS National Operations Office
14, Jangpura B
Mathura Road

New Delhi - 110014