NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, September 30, 2013

Call for TB REACH Wave 4 Proposals

Agency Name: Stop TB Partnerships
Last Date: November 8, 2013

Stop TB Partnerships TB REACH grant program has announced the funding for Wave 4. It has issued a Call for Proposals under this program.

For Wave 4 there are two changes that have been made to the application process. The first change is that TB REACH is now instituting a two-step application process. The first step is a letter of intent which is a shorter version of the application outlining the main approaches and settings for the proposed intervention. This LOI is due on November 8th, 2013.

All LOIs that meet the basic criteria for completeness and eligibility will be reviewed by the TB REACH Proposal Review Committee in December and a few of them will be asked to submit complete applications at that time. These will be reviewed again in February with final decisions being made in March 2013 for funding.

The second change being instituted is that now all LOIs must be written and submitted online though our application page. There is no MS Word document to be submitted and all interested parties must complete the process online. All LOIs will be submitted via the Stop TB Partnership’s applications tracking system

TB REACH has a separate funding track for CSOs and small NGOs in Wave 4. For the CBO/CSO/Small NGO Track” budget of LOIs should be from USD $80,000 up to USD $200,000. The CSO track is a special track of funding for small and local organizations and is NOT for NGOs that have an international presence, or organizations whose core operations are mainly biomedical in nature. Annual budget turnover of applicants in this track of funding must not exceed USD $500,000. Applicants to this track should propose local innovative approaches to address local TB case detection barriers in undeserved, at risk and vulnerable populations.

For more information please visit: