NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, September 30, 2013

Climate change guidelines for forest managers A FAO Publication


Exhibition/Demonstration on Bio diversity, Climate change o 10th October,2013

Call for TB REACH Wave 4 Proposals

Agency Name: Stop TB Partnerships
Last Date: November 8, 2013

Stop TB Partnerships TB REACH grant program has announced the funding for Wave 4. It has issued a Call for Proposals under this program.

For Wave 4 there are two changes that have been made to the application process. The first change is that TB REACH is now instituting a two-step application process. The first step is a letter of intent which is a shorter version of the application outlining the main approaches and settings for the proposed intervention. This LOI is due on November 8th, 2013.

All LOIs that meet the basic criteria for completeness and eligibility will be reviewed by the TB REACH Proposal Review Committee in December and a few of them will be asked to submit complete applications at that time. These will be reviewed again in February with final decisions being made in March 2013 for funding.

The second change being instituted is that now all LOIs must be written and submitted online though our application page. There is no MS Word document to be submitted and all interested parties must complete the process online. All LOIs will be submitted via the Stop TB Partnership’s applications tracking system

TB REACH has a separate funding track for CSOs and small NGOs in Wave 4. For the CBO/CSO/Small NGO Track” budget of LOIs should be from USD $80,000 up to USD $200,000. The CSO track is a special track of funding for small and local organizations and is NOT for NGOs that have an international presence, or organizations whose core operations are mainly biomedical in nature. Annual budget turnover of applicants in this track of funding must not exceed USD $500,000. Applicants to this track should propose local innovative approaches to address local TB case detection barriers in undeserved, at risk and vulnerable populations.

For more information please visit:

Friday, September 27, 2013

eNGO Challenge South Asia 2013

All grassroot NGOs are invited to fill the nomination form & participate in eNGO Challenge South Asia 2013.

Apply Now-

Lord, Make Me An Instrument of thy PEACE

2nd Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic at Lucknow on 12th November 2013

Dear Madam/Sir,

Greetings from Sambodhi!
Sambodhi Research & Communications is pleased to announce a one day Second Monitoring & Evaluation Clinic to be held at Lucknow on 12th November 2013. 
The programme is designed to augment knowledge and skills of strategic and operational functionaries in development organizations associated with programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation function, commissioning monitoring and evaluation studies and related project management functions. The programme aims to provide conceptual understanding of M&E and de-jargonize the subject for professionals working at the cutting edge of development. The training will not only familiarize participants with the 'nuts & bolts' of M&E but also develop requisite skills to incorporate M&E in project design and delivery. Apart from this, the programme will also focus on sharing latest techniques used for monitoring and evaluation.

The programme is an integral part of Sambodhi’s efforts to develop and disseminate knowledge on technical monitoring and evaluation across the region and develop regional knowledge hubs in this domain. 

Registration fee for the clinic: INR 2000

The last date of registration: November 8, 2013.

We shall be happy to answer any query with regard to this programme.

The detailed programme flyer and registration form can be obtained by writing to

With best regards,
Nandita Sebastian
Sambodhi Research & Communications
O-2, II Floor, Lajpat Nagar-II
New Delhi-110024
Tel.: +91 11 47593300-99 (Extn. 343)

Call for Expressions of Interest

CIVICUS is looking for convening partners to conduct locally initiated multi-stakeholder dialogues.

CIVICUS is looking for Expressions of Interest by potential convening partners to conduct locally-initiated multi-stakeholders’ dialogues, following the methodological approach proposed by the project New Social Contract. The dialogues shall take place between November 2013 and May 2014.  Selected partners will receive a financial contribution of $4000.

We’re looking for NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, umbrella organisations and other relevant entities across the world to get involved in this project. Interested? Apply online at:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GEF Small Grants Programme – Call for Project Concept Notes from NGOs/CBOs

Deadline- 17 October 2013

Small Grants Programme (SGP) is being organized under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This program is being funded by The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and supported by United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The purpose of this program is to deliver global environmental benefits in the areas of : biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, protection of fresh water and marine resources, prevention of land degradation and elimination of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and other harmful chemicals through community-based approaches.

The SGP will support small scale projects relating to the above 5 thematic areas, for activities that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people’s well-being and livelihoods, taking into consideration gender, vulnerability and equality concerns.

Grant offered-

The maximum grant amount obtainable per project is US$ 30,000. However, in exceptional cases US $ 50 000 may be considered.

Eligibility & Criteria-

Civil society organizations (CSOs) with priority for national and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), farmers, scientific community, women’s groups, and the youth and children organizations.

For more information, visit this link:


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Google Grants to Non Profit Organisations (NGOs)

What is Google Grants?

Google Grants is the nonprofit edition of AdWords, Google's online advertising tool. Google Grants empowers nonprofit organizations, through $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on

Is your nonprofit eligible for Google Grants?

To be eligible for the Google Grants programme, organisations must:

Hold current and valid charity status, as determined by your country; please see your country’s charity status definition below.

Acknowledge and agree to the application's required certifications regarding non-discrimination and donation receipt and use.

Have a functioning website with substantial content

Please note that the following organisations are not eligible for Google Grants:

Governmental entities and organisations

Hospitals and medical groups

Schools, childcare centres, academic institutions and universities (philanthropic arms of educational organisations are eligible). To learn more about Google's programs for educational institutions, visit Google in Education     

Definition for charity status for India

Organizations must be charitable institutions that are either Registered Societies, Public Charitable Trusts or companies under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, each as provided for under the Income Tax Act, 1961 to be considered for this program.

To maintain eligibility in the Google Grants program:

Your ads must ONLY link to the ONE nonprofit website URL that was approved in the application.

You are required to actively manage the AdWords account by logging in monthly. Should you not log in to your account for 30 days, your account will be subject to pausing without notification.

Your ads must reflect the mission of the approved nonprofit organization and your keywords must be relevant to the nonprofit’s programs and services.

Strictly commercial advertising is not allowed through this programme. If you intend to promote products or services, 100% of the sales and/or proceeds must support your programme.

Your Google ads cannot link to pages that are primarily links to other websites.
Ads offering financial products (such as mortgages or credit cards) or those requesting car, boat or property donations and related keywords are not allowed.

Your website cannot display Google AdSense ads or affiliate advertising links while participating in Google Grants.

Grantees found in violation of any of these guidelines are subject to removal from the program. Google reserves the right to grant or deny an organization's application or participation at any time, for any reason, and to supplement or amend these eligibility guidelines at any time. Selections are made at Google's sole discretion, and are not subject to external review.

EU Contribution to the Millennium Development Goals

Indian National Consultation Report Post 2015 Development Agenda

Vitamin Angels Free Annual Grants of Vitamin A Supplements and Multivitamins

Vitamin Angels works to advance availability, access and use of micronutrients, especially vitamin A, among at-risk populations in need. It reduces child mortality worldwide by connecting essential nutrients with infants and children under five. Free annual grants of vitamin A supplements and multivitamins to permanent, locally registered NGOs working with children in the developing nations.

Qualifying organizations must complete a grant application and agree to give granted vitamins only to children 6-59 months old who need them.

The Vitamin Angels Programs include:

·         Operation 20/20, a Vitamin A campaign and 
·         Thrive to Five, a multivitamin campaign.

Qualified organizations can apply to receive any of the following commodities donated by Vitamin Angels:

Operation 20/20

·         100,000 IU vitamin A for infants 6-11 months
·         200,000 IU vitamin A for children 12-59 months
·         Albendazole (limited availability; donated with vitamin A only) 

Thrive to Five

·         Multivitamins for children 6-59 months
·         Multivitamins for pregnant and lactating women 

Vitamin Angels Grantee Eligibility Requirements

Vitamin Angels grants selected micro nutrient commodities to qualified non-profit organizations able to connect essential micronutrients, especially vitamin A, with beneficiaries that meet three requirements, including:

·         Beneficiaries must be situated in the U.S, INDIA, and/or within selected countries (generally consistent with WHO or UNICEF identified vitamin A deficiency priority countries) in Africa, Asia, or Latin and South America.
·         Grant recipients must target only beneficiaries 6-59 months of age, and/or pregnant or lactating women, AND
·         Beneficiaries must be underserved with respect to access to essential micronutrients, generally meaning they meet one of the following criteria:
1.    Reside in a rural area without any immediate access to facility-based health care services, or
2.    Reside in a rural area but may obtain routine health services through outreach or community-based services, or
3.    Reside in an urban area without access to facility-based health care services, or
4.    Reside in an urban area, have access to facility-based health care services, but the health service system does not have immediate access to essential micronutrients

Qualified non-profit organizations will further meet the following criteria:

·         Permanent in-country facility with local professional staff,
·         Registered as a locally recognized entity (i.e. non-governmental organization, clinic,etc) in the country in which micronutrient products will be distributed to beneficiaries,
·         Serve a minimum of 1,000 children under 5 and/or 100 women with micronutrients, 
·         Be able to legally transport all donated product into the project country and clear customs appropriately without assistance from VA (NGOs that do not have a US based presence must be able to accept delivery of an international shipment and clear customs appropriately without assistance from VA),
·         Have capacity to and plan to provide micronutrients to the same project areas for at least 3 years, and
·         Agree to the terms and conditions listed in the grantee application.

The deadline to submit applications is 31 October 2013.

For more information, visit this link:   

Panchayati Raj Training by Vishwa Yuva Kendra

Vishwa Yuvak Kendra (International Youth Centre) is a pioneering organisation in the field of youth development. It was established with the active support of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and was inaugurated in 1968 by the then President of India, Dr. Zakir Husain. It organizes workshops, seminars and training programmes for the youth workers of NGOs.

Democracy is considered as one of the best forms of government because it ensures liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship, equality of status and opportunity, fraternity as well as the right to participate in political decision-making. Participation and control of governance by the people of the country is the essence of democracy. Such participation is possible only when the powers of the state are decentralized to the district, block and village levels where all the sections of the people can sit together, discuss their problems and suggest solutions and plan execute as well as monitor the implementation of the programmes. It is called the crux of democratic decentralization.

For further details visit the following link:

United Nations Trust Fund Small Grants Programme: 2014 Call for Proposals

 1 November 2013
The United Nations Trust Fund’s Small Grants Programme has issued the 2014 Call for Proposals. The Fund gives priority to projects focusing on the Programme of Action of the Second Decade under the broad mandated areas of the Forum: culture, education, health, human rights, the environment and social and economic development. The Fund is based on voluntary contributions; disbursal of grants is subject to receipt of funds from donors.
The main aim of the Trust Fund is to support programs and projects advancing the goal of the Second International Decade to: “Strengthen international cooperation for the solution of problems faced by indigenous peoples in such areas as culture, education, health, human rights, the environment, social and economic development, by means of action-oriented programs and specific projects, increased technical assistance and relevant standard setting activities.”
The Fund is mainly used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US$ 10,000 covering one year’s expenses.
Indigenous peoples’ organizations (local, national or regional), women’s indigenous organizations and ƒ Indigenous youth organizations can apply for the project grants under this Fund.
Projects should be submitted by indigenous peoples, with the full participation, consultation and free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples, groups or communities to be served by the project. All project proposals must include written evidence of free, prior and informed consent, such as a letter or document including names, signatures and contact details of the indigenous peoples, groups or communities the project seeks to serve. Projects should take into account gender balance. Projects focusing on indigenous women, children and youth will be given special consideration. In order to be admissible, the Budget should be based on realistic local costs and salaries. Sustainability of the project and its long-term impact for social change and improvement  in the situation of indigenous peoples will be important criteria.

United Nations Trust Fund Small Grants Programme: 2014 Call for Proposals

 1 November 2013
The United Nations Trust Fund’s Small Grants Programme has issued the 2014 Call for Proposals. The Fund gives priority to projects focusing on the Programme of Action of the Second Decade under the broad mandated areas of the Forum: culture, education, health, human rights, the environment and social and economic development. The Fund is based on voluntary contributions; disbursal of grants is subject to receipt of funds from donors.
The main aim of the Trust Fund is to support programs and projects advancing the goal of the Second International Decade to: “Strengthen international cooperation for the solution of problems faced by indigenous peoples in such areas as culture, education, health, human rights, the environment, social and economic development, by means of action-oriented programs and specific projects, increased technical assistance and relevant standard setting activities.”
The Fund is mainly used for small grants projects with a budget for up to US$ 10,000 covering one year’s expenses.
Indigenous peoples’ organizations (local, national or regional), women’s indigenous organizations and ƒ Indigenous youth organizations can apply for the project grants under this Fund.
Projects should be submitted by indigenous peoples, with the full participation, consultation and free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples, groups or communities to be served by the project. All project proposals must include written evidence of free, prior and informed consent, such as a letter or document including names, signatures and contact details of the indigenous peoples, groups or communities the project seeks to serve. Projects should take into account gender balance. Projects focusing on indigenous women, children and youth will be given special consideration. In order to be admissible, the Budget should be based on realistic local costs and salaries. Sustainability of the project and its long-term impact for social change and improvement  in the situation of indigenous peoples will be important criteria.