NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, July 1, 2013

The NFI’'s C. Subramanium Award program for community development and social change

The NFI’'s C. Subramanium Award program for community development and
social change for the year 2013-14 has been announced. The award would
provide an opportunity to mid-career voluntary sector workers and community
leaders to enhance their skills and deepen their leadership qualities.

The applications should reach latest *by 15th August, 2013.*
NFI has been organizing the grassroots award program for the last 10 years.
Till date, fellows have been selected from a cross-section of people from
different parts of **India** like **Orissa**, **Assam**, Karnataka, UP, **
Gujarat**, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh etc. So far 73 fellows
were selected including 37 men and 36 women. The activities of the C S
Fellows have been wide-ranging including study on the role of SHGs in
electricity connection, study on participatory forest resource management,
social audit of total sanitation campaign to mention a few.
The applications should reach us at the following address latest *by
15thAugust, 2013.
Address for sending application and communication*

Amita Pal

National Foundation for India

Core 4A, UG Floor**, India Habitat Centre

Lodi Road, New Delhi -110003

Phones : 011-24641864/5 : 24648490: Fax : 011-24641867

For more information please visit: