NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, July 14, 2013

“National Food security Ordinance-2013”, Red Cross Bhubaneswar, 17th, July, 2013. 10.30 AM

Odisha Khadya Adhikar Abhiyan.
State level Consultation on “National Food security Ordinance-2013”,
Red Cross. Bhubaneswar, 17th, July,2013. 10.30 AM
Dear friends,
The Union Cabinet on 4th cleared the ordinance to implement the  significant national Food Security bill without waiting for Parliament's monsoon session that is about days away and on 5th July  it got approval from President.
This version of the NFSB is extremely inadequate and makes a mockery of food security. It provides extremely limited food entitlements, is piece meal and is nowhere close to providing food security. It is cereal based only, leaving the question of nutritional security out of the purview of Government's accountability. There are many more shortcomings in the bill.
On this issue four regional consultations ( Koraput, Samblpur, Balangir and Puri) already completed.  All the regions have developed strategies at ground level to address the issue.
Keeping the issue in view on 17th July, a state level Consultation is being organised at Red Cross, Bhubaneswar by Odisha Khadya Adhikar Abhiyan.

 This consultation is being called with a fourfold agenda of discussion.
·         The provisions under the “ National food security Ordinance”  and drawbacks.
·         The campaign's strategy on ensuring amendments in the NFSB according to the campaign's vision and lobbying with MPs and Parties in States and Nationally
·         Strengthening the state and regional campaigns.
·         Proposal for state level Convention on Right to food.

All of you are requested to join in this important Consultation on 17th July at Bhubaneswar positively. A line of confirmation is highly appreciated. Enclosed please find the copy of the Ordinance.

Look forward to meet all of you.
With warm regards,
