NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Funding Opportunities

Organization: Government of Japan
Deadline: 30th Aug 2013

Interest Area(s): Community, Education, Health, Human Rights, Social & Human 
Services and Science & Technology

Reinforcing its belief in "people building the next era”, the Government of Japan 
offers 20 fellowships per year, for the twelfth consecutive year, to be awarded 
to deserving candidates from developing countries, especially the least 
developed countries (LDCs), who are eager to undertake research on one or 
more of the topics listed below. The aim of the fellowships is to support 
innovative and imaginative post-graduate research in four areas of development 
of particular interest to UNESCO. The UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi Research 
Fellowships Programme (UNESCO/Japan Young Researchers' Fellowship 
Programme) funded under the Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the capacity-
building of Human Resources will aim, in particular, to impact on capacity-
building and research activities in the following areas: environment (with 
particular emphasis on water sciences); intercultural dialogue; Information 
and Communication Technologies; and Peaceful conflict resolution. 
See website for eligibility and conditions.
For more information please visit: