NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fund-raising Master-class (training) for NGOs in Patna on 08 July 2013

Dear Sir/Madam,
On 18 December 2012, the Lok Sabha approved the New Companies Bill 2012. This Bill has provision of mandatory spending of 2% of the profits of the companies on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The list of activities in the Bill and procedure to spend this money opens new window of opportunities for NGO’s to get funding from businesses for their projects. However, the Bill is yet to be passed by the Rajya Sabha. Additionally, the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) has issued guidelines (2009 & 2013) to all central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs/PSUs) to spend 1-5% of their net profit on CSR activities. Again the NGOs have been specified as one of the key partners to implement CSR projects. It is estimated that  INR 1800 crore/annually  is available through PSUs for CSR projects. If the Companies Bill is passed by the  Rajya Sabha, then there will be  INR 8800-38000 crore/annually  funding for CSR projects. Most of this funding will come to the development sector as the priorities for CSR spending has been aligned with development sector projects.

Further, there are philanthropic foundations or individual foundations that have taken a lead role in funding development sector projects. Many business -honchos (Azim Premji, Shiv Nadar etc) are declaring their individual fund to address India’s chronic issues in education, health and livelihoods. A few leading international foundations (like Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dell Foundation) are also focusing on India’s developmental challenges and funding small and medium NGOs for social innovations.

With the changing fund-raising scenario and potentials to enter into new partnership types, it is essential that NGOs do understand what they need to do to get funding through CSR partnerships with companies. The NGOs need to understand the ‘Business case’ in CSR partnerships and contribute to mitigating the business-risks of the companies, in addition to helping them in building brand-equity.

Philanthropic foundations also have different expectations from NGOs and new M&E approaches are highly focused on quality of output rather than believing in just numbers. Keeping this in mind, Team NGOBOX has designed a holistic ‘Fund-raising Master-class for NGOs in Patna on 08 July 2013 (Special sessions on Healthcare & Livelihoods)

What is covered in the ‘Master-class’

Ø  Changing NGOs funding scenario in India
Ø  Fund-raising through CSR partnerships
Ø  Fund-raising through philanthropic foundations
Ø  How to sustain funding and partnerships
Ø  How to target companies and for what type of projects
Ø  Value chain analysis and Livelihoods partnerships
Ø  Cross-sector partnerships in healthcare services
Ø  How to write concept notes and proposals
Ø  How to build a brand NGO (marketing and promotion)
Ø  Social media and volunteering for NGOs

Date and Venue

Monday, 08 July 2013 (9.00 am to 4.45 pm)
Hotel Buddha Heritage,
54, Pataliputra Colony, Patna (Bihar)
Download full Brochure here

Registration Fee
INR 2500/Participant (after 15 June 2013)
Early bird fee INR 2000/Participant (till 15 June 2013)
INR 3900/Two Participant from the same organization
INR 5300/Three Participant from the same organization
INR 6500/Four Participant from the same organization
INR 1600/Each for five or more participants from the same organization
If you are a student or research scholar, please contact us at
Limited Seats

For any query feel free to call Ms Ela Gupta +91-9990256669 (10.00 am to 5.30 pm)

We request you to nominate your team members for the same.
Ela Gupta
Operations Office
Renalysis Consultants (P) Ltd.
B-50 Third Floor

East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065