NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, May 23, 2013


The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is pleased to announce the second Request for Proposals (RFP) for global and regional civil society networks addressing HIV related issues. Global and regional networks and consortia of networks that meet the definitions and criteria set by this RFP, are invited to apply for a grant to support core-funding and/or programmatic needs of the network for up to two years (2014/2015).
The deadline for submission of proposals is 22 July 2013 at 12:00 CET.


The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will continue to fund both global and regional networks, but with a positive funding bias towards proposals submitted by consortia of networks, followed by proposals submitted by global networks, followed by proposals submitted by regional networks. Regional networks are encouraged to form or join a consortium for a joint application.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is likely to fund larger consortia or networks in a variety of sectors, rather than a broad selection of networks in many sectors.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will prioritize funding for networks that have a proven track record in working towards the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund outcomes. New and emerging networks can be recommended for funding to the extent that they fill a gap in the global HIV and AIDS response, and are submitting an application in a consortium with other global and/or regional networks with a proven track record.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will prioritize funding networks that are open, enabling coordinated action and dialogue within the network membership.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is unlikely to fund professional associations, project consortia, or groups of individuals as ‘networks’ if they do not fulfill these characteristics.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will not prioritize proposals by grantees of the 2012 Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund funding round. All applications will be reviewed competitively, according to the definitions and funding priorities set by this Request for Proposals. A new application by a 2012 grantee will be weighed together with their interim reporting results, achieved during the first year of funding. Grantees of the 2012 funding round are encouraged to form or join a consortium for a joint application.