NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Maulana Azad Education Foundation
(Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India)


To provide basic educational infrastructure and facilities in the areas of concentration of educationally backward minorities which do not have adequate provision for elementary, secondary and Sr. Sec.Schools / Jr. Colleges / Professional & Vocational Training Institutes.


Ø  Financial assistance for construction/ expansion of Schools belonging to educationally backward minorities.

Ø  Financial assistance for purchase of Science/Computer lab equipments/furniture for institutions belonging to educationally backward minorities.

Ø  Financial assistance for construction/ Expansion of Vocational Training Centre/ ITI/Polytechnic belonging to educationally backward minorities.

Ø  Financial assistance for construction of Hostel building in the institutions belonging to educationally backward minorities.

Ø  Financial assistance for construction/Expansion of D.Ed / B.Ed. College belonging to educationally backward minorities.

a.     Society/Trust should be registered under the Societies Registration Act/ Indian Trust Act for the last three years.

b.    Society/Trust must be having proper audit reports with Balance Sheet, Receipt- Payment & Income-Expenditure statements reflecting educational activities carried out for the last three years.

c.     Society/Trust should not be run for the profit of any individual or a body of individuals/ family and it should not be controlled by any individuals or a body of individuals / family.

d.    The institutions for whose construction/expansion the assistance is required should be in existence and recognized/affiliated to the concerned State/Central Board/ Council/ University.

e.     Society/Trust should not be functioning for furtherance of the interest of any political party.

f.     The majority (ie, more than 50%) of the beneficiary students, in the Institution for whose construction expansion/ strengthen assistance is sought, should be belonging to educationally backward minorities/target group.

g.    For seeking assistance for construction of hostel building, it is necessary that the Institution for which the hostel is required should be recognized at least up to 8thstandard,

h.     Society/Trust must be having at least 1000 sq. yard land (in urban areas) or at least one acre land (in rural areas) in its name or on lease for not less than 30 years for the proposed project,

i.      Society/Trust should be ready to invest at least 10% of the total cost of project as NGO’s share on the project

j.      The Society/Trust will not take loan on the building constructed with MAEF assistance/on the land on which the building has been constructed with the assistance of the Foundation. However, if it becomes necessary, then prior permission of the Foundation for the same will be necessary.

                           Maximum upto 30 Lakhs

(Date of Submission)   
                           1May to 30th September

For more information please visit: