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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

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Training Programme on Fund Raising through Grants: Writing Winning Proposal 9-10 July 2013

For more details: B-23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi-110 024
Call on: +91-11-47593300-99, +91-11-49242424-44
Write to:
Training Programme
"Fundraising through Grants-Writing
Winning Proposals"
09th-10th July 2013, New Delhi
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from Sambodhi!
Sambodhi Research & Management Institute is pleased to announce the training programme on Fundraising through Grants-Writing Winning Proposals to be held at New Delhi from 09th -10th July 2013.  
The training programme is designed to augment knowledge and skills for organization and presentation of contents, to provide individuals with the skills for improving structure, content and format of proposals for funding, for business opportunities and for developing reports. The programme focus is on translating good proposals to ‘winning proposals’.

The course shall provide:
·  12-14 hours of tutorials
·  Reading and reference material
·  Follow-on support services through electronic media
Discounts on training fee are available for early and group registrations as well as for organizations and individuals that have participated in any of our trainings in the past. Registrations done 15 or more days prior to the start date of the programme are eligible for early-bird discount.
If you are interested in the programme please send an email to obtain the programme flyer and registration form. 
We shall be happy to answer any queries with regard to this programme.
With warm regards,
Mary Bachaspatimayum, Ph. D.
Sambodhi Research & Management Institute
B 23, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi -110 024
+91.11.47593300 (Ext.314) +91.11.49242424-44

Small Grants Programme (SGP) by Global Environment Facility (GEF) Through United Nations Development Programme

Small Grants Programme (SGP)
Up to $ 50,000 - Funded by GEF as a corporate programme, SGP is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on behalf of the GEF partnership, and is executed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The SGP supports non-governmental and community organizations, providing small grants for community-based projects in the GEF focal areas.
With presence in 126 developing countries and having provided more than 14,500 grants worldwide by 2012, GEF SGP’s cumulative experience and results have demonstrated that supporting communities in their efforts to achieve more sustainable livelihoods is not only possible, but necessary for achieving global environmental benefits. To know more about SGP and how potential grantees can apply for a grant, visit the SGP page.

Last date- 31July 2013.

For more information please visit:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Think for new Generation !!

Save Girl Child

Data Portal of India


Strategy Development

Cisco Impact Cash Grant Programs

Global Impact Cash Grants

Cisco awards Global Impact Cash Grants to US-based and non-US based non-profit organizations around the globe, with national or multinational operations. Eligible organizations must align with our grant-making criteria and policies.

Cisco's overall approach is to partner with non-profit organizations to identify, incubate, and develop innovative solutions that solve challenging socioeconomic conditions in at least one of the investment areas: critical human needs, access to education, and economic empowerment. In order to maximize the impact of investment, Cisco supports programs that fit within its investment areas, serve the underserved, and leverage technology solutions to improve the reach, efficiency, and impact of services. Programs must also have high potential for replication and scale in multiple environments, and a clear path for long-term sustainability.

Visit the following links to learn more information on Cisco's Global Impact Cash Grant program:

e-PDS portal of India

First of its kind Initiative- All India Transparency Portal for Public Distribution System (PDS) | See

RTI Online

This is a portal to file RTI applications/first appeals online along with payment gateway. Payment can be made through internet banking of SBI & its associate banks and debit/credit cards of Master/Visa. Through this portal, RTI applications/first appeals can be filed by Indian Citizens only for the main ministries/departments of Central Govt., located at New Delhi. RTI applications/first appeals should not be filed for other Public authorities under Central/State Govt. through this portal.
Please read instructions carefully while submitting request/appeal.

The Funds-For-NGOs Small Grants Prize Contest

Deadline: 10 June, 2013
Open to: anyone, but only participating and/or nominated developing country NGOs and networks are eligible to win
Prize: $500 small grant prize is available to one developing country NGO or networkThe winning NGO and an additional ten NGOs will receive free access to a webinar of their choice.


Description is making a $500 small grant prize available to one developing country NGO or network participating or nominated in the new Small Grant Competition. The winning NGO and an additional ten NGOs will receive free access to a webinar of their choice.
The goal of the Small Grant Award is to both increase awareness of amongst NGOs around the world and increase active participation in the community, thereby improving NGO capacity – as well as provide an opportunity to win a Small Grant Prize by way of lottery to all participating and nominated developing country NGOs and networks.


The competition is open to anyone, but only participating and/or nominated developing country NGOs and networks are eligible to win.
The basic criteria to participate in the Small Grant Prize are:
·         Any individual 18 years or older can participate
·         Existing subscribers can participate
·         Signing up as a subscriber to our Email Newsletter is recommended but not required
·         Participants need to nominate an eligible NGO or Network as the potential recipient of the prize
·         No purchase is required to enter the competition
·         Each email address can only register once
The basic eligibility criteria to receive the Small Grant Prize are:
·         Be a registered NGO or an active network
·         Be based and active in a developing country (as classified by the IMF World Economic Outlook :


$500 small grant prize is available to one developing country NGO or network. The winning NGO and an additional ten NGOs will receive free access to a webinar of their choice.

How to apply

To enter the contest fill out the form on the Official Website at:
The deadline for the receipt of nominations is 10 June 2013 (23:59 GMT).
The final winner(s) will be selected by a prize draw on 17 June 2013 and notified formally by 21 June 2013.

UIDAI launches Aadhaar based Iris Authentication, eKYC, One Time PIN New Services and Permanent Enrolment Centres

Developing on its vision of “Empowering residents of India with a unique identity and a digital platform to authenticate anytime, anywhere”, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) today unveiled three new Aadhaar-Enabled Services and announced the establishment of first set of permanent enrolment centres (Aadhaar Kendras). The services that were launched today are Authentication services using Iris, Authentication service using One Time Pin and eKYC (Electronic- Know Your Customer) service.
Launching the services, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia said, “The Aadhaar authentication and eKYC services launched today will give a boost to the use of the Aadhaar identity platform for authenticating the identity of people. This is a transformational initiative, and I am sure the Aam Aadmi will start reaping the benefits of the Aadhaar project in the near future.”
Authentication and eKYC services of UIDAI will help residents avail benefits of Aadhaar-linked services and give public/private entities an economical, secure and flexible mode of verifying user identity.
Underlining the key role these services will play in the future, Shri Nandan Nilekani, Chairman UIDAI said, “This is a major step in the direction of enabling Aadhaar holders to avail various services by using the Aadhaar identity platform. It also makes sense for various user agencies (public or private) as they can identify a beneficiary/customer using a fast, secure, economical and paperless format.”
a. Authentication service using Iris:  Residents will be able to authenticate identity for availing Aadhaar-enabled services by providing a combination of Aadhaar number + Iris image
b. Authentication service using One Time Pin (OTP): Residents will be able to authenticate identity for availing Aadhaar-enabled services by providing a combination of Aadhaar number + One Time Pin, received on their registered mobile number
c. eKYC service: Electronic verification of resident’s identity & address at his request and/or with his consent. Paperless, secure and economical.
d. Aadhaar Kendra (Permanent Enrolment Centre): Permanent enrolment Centres will facilitate enrolment of residents left out during the camps organized by the Registrars in the past. The centres will also serve as Update Centres - both for biometric and demographic update.
Aadhaar Iris Authenticationis a process wherein Aadhaar number, along with the resident’s Iris Image is submitted to UIDAI’s Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) for verification; the CIDR verifies whether the Iris data submitted matches the Iris data available in CIDR, which had been collected during enrolment, and responds with a “yes/no” reply.
Iris-based authentication of residents is a state-of-the-art authentication service which enables an Aadhaar holder to identify himself/herself using the Iris image. The service can be availed of by all those who have an Aadhaar number including the old, blind and those who may have undergone cataract surgery. India is the first country in the world to offer a public Iris Authentication platform and enablement of Iris Authentication for about 350 million residents, who currently hold Aadhaar numbers. This is indeed a ground-breaking technology and service development. UIDAI has conducted proof of concept (PoC) exercises involving Iris technology and concluded that more than 99% of residents could be reliably authenticated.
Aadhaar One Time Pin (OTP) Authentication:  The OTP service enables Aadhaar based authentication of all residents who registered a mobile telephone at the time of enrolment or subsequent updation. With Aadhaar OTP, residents will be able to authenticate themselves using their mobile telephone anytime, anywhere on a self service mode without having to use biometric  authentication device, which requires assisted service.
OTP authentication is a two-step process involving the mobile of a resident. In the first step a request for OTP, against an Aadhaar, is sent to UIDAI’s Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR). In response, CIDR sends a newly generated random OTP on the resident’s mobile/email. In the second step Aadhaar number, along with OTP is submitted to CIDR for verification; the CIDR verifies whether the OTP data submitted matches the generated OTP data available in CIDR andresponds with a “yes/no” reply.
User agencies that take advantage of Aadhaar authentication can use OTP to provide a single factor authentication, or in combination with biometrics to achieve a two factor authentication. This would offer higher flexibility to Authentication User Agencies in terms of deploying appropriate modality based on factors like demographics, service delivery platform and/or domain security requirements.
eKYC: The eKYC service offered by UIDAI will enable individuals to authorise service providers to receive electronic copy of their proof of identity and address. This is a first of its kind service, on any public platform. The service makes KYC instantaneous, totally secure and paperless while enhancing privacy of data. It brings business efficiency and opens doors to innovative service provision in a manner never experienced before on a comparable scale.
eKYC service can be deployed by different agencies to verify a resident’s identity and address. Only DEMOGRAPHIC information (Name, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Photograph & Mobile Number) that is collected during Aadhaar enrolment will be shared, at the request of, and/or with the consent of the Aadhaar number holder.
Permanent Enrolment Centre: Aadhaar Kendras or Permanent enrolment Centres will facilitate the enrolment of residents left out during the camps organized by the Registrars in the past. They would also serve as Update Centres – for resident who wish to update biometric or demographic data.
Aadhaar Kendras will be located in the Common Services Centres, government buildings in block/mandal/tehsil/municipal ward office or in the official premises of the Registrar or such premises as may be expressly approved by the Registrars. Residents can also seek information about their Aadhaar generation status or get e-Aadhaar printed at these centres.
Registrars may choose to charge a convenience fee not exceeding Rs.10 for printing e-Aadhaar letter and Rs.15 for update requests. Aadhaar Enabled Service Delivery is currently or will soon be linked to various government schemes such as MNREGA wage payments, PDS distribution, payment of social security benefits such as old-age payments, distribution of LPG subsidy etc. Currently over 400 million residents have enrolled for an Aadhaar number, while about 350 million Aadhaar numbers have been issued.

Workshop on India’s Global Development Presence and Engagement of Indian Civil Society

31 May, 2013 
Casuarina Hall, India Habitat Centre - New Delhi
PRIA in partnership with Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) is organising a workshop on India’s Global Development Presence and Engagement of Indian Civil society on 31 May 2013 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
During the past decade, India’s global presence is being acknowledged in various multi-lateral and bi-lateral global arenas. India is seen as the rapidly rising global power by virtue of being the largest democracy, having younger demographics and one of the top five economies of the world today. As a member of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank, India has increased its stakes and influence following the global financial crisis of 2008. In new multi-lateral mechanisms like G20, IBSA and BRICS, India’s influence is being increasingly felt. Indian business enterprises (both public and private) have been expanding their presence around the world. Indian investment abroad in 2012 was higher than foreign investment in India.
However, most Indian civil society organisations have largely remained domestically focused in their development efforts. A recent study on “Civil Society @ Crossroads” suggested that most Indian civil society actors have not come to terms with this changing global reality, except in respect of rapidly declining international funding for their domestic programmes.
India’s official development cooperation also seems to have increased during the past decade. In order to streamline the growing programme of development cooperation, the Ministry of External affairs has created a separate unit Development Partnership Administration (DPA). Senior officials of DPA have shown an interest in interacting more regularly with Indian civil society organisations, especially those having experience in overseas programmes in developing countries. RIS (Research and Information System for Developing Countries) convened a meeting in January 2013 to explore this interaction between DPA and Indian civil society and academia. Following that meeting, a Forum for Indian Development Cooperation (FIDC) has been launched.
The specific purposes of the workshop are:
• To develop a deeper understanding of India’s global development footprints bilaterally and multi-laterally in G20, IBSA, BRICS, etc.;
• To explore approaches and modalities of broad-based cooperation between Indian civil society and DPA;
• To evolve a set of mechanisms that can support on-going and critical engagements of Indian civil society with India’s global influence in bi-lateral and multi-lateral fora.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

SAVE EARTH Prevent Global Warming

Voluntary Sector’s appeal to the Prime Minister of India to prevent misuse of FCRA (2010)

Voluntary Sector’s appeal to the Prime Minister of India to prevent misuse of FCRA (2010)
Posted on May 23, 2013
New Delhi, 22 May 2013
Voluntary Action Network India (VANI), an apex body of 3500 voluntary organizations across the country, submitted a letter to the prime minister of India to draw the attention of Prime Minister for the rampant misuse of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act against genuine voluntary development organisations of India. Needless to say here that voluntary sector has been partnering with the Indian government and marginalised communities to create a prosperous society. However, since last two years i.e. after the implementationFCRA (2010), it is being used as a tool of silencing and demining the society movements in the country.  VANI draw the attention of the P.M. on certain facts which need proper investigation these facts are following:
1.      Last year almost 4000 registrations were cancelled without informing the organisations. It was from the website that we came to know about this action. Eventually it came out that nearly 200 cases were represented with the department where the records of FCRA department were not updated.  These 200 organisations then again submitted their proof of returns and addresses to plead for their case of innocence. Even today all of such cases are not settled by the FCRA department where all proof of due diligence by the visits have been submitted to the department, rather new investigations are initiated to delay the reversal.
2.      As per the provisions of FCRA, if bank accounts of any registered organisation are freezed or suspended, then investigations have to be completed in 80 days. These investigations have to be conducted by following the laws of natural justice, i.e. it has to be timely, with fair chance of listening to other party, but unfortunately, none of these provisions are being followed. We have cases where investigations are being carried out since two years. In such cases neither victim can appeal nor can go to court of law and is kept under permanent suspension.
3.      Surprisingly, there are some provisions which are left unexplained and unspecified which are being used against voluntary sector. One line notices are being issues by sighting such provisions which are neither explained nor proved by investigations. The case to sight is “working against national interest”. Even if organisation is working in partnership with Indian government, within the provisions of national plan of any flag ship project of national government, above stated reasons are given to freeze their accounts.  Consequently, the victim never gets answer to the crime for which he is being punished.  In fact, victim is neither punished to declare innocent as investigations are not taken to logical end.
4.      Unfortunately, selective leaks are being made in media about the misuse of foreign funds by the voluntary sector; on the contrary there is not a single case to prove this point. We see this as an attempt not only to tarnish the image of the voluntary sector but also to create fear among the minds of voluntary sector. No such leaks or accusations are proved ever. 
5.      Even, international development agencies are not spared. Some of them are being put under prior permission category without giving any chance of hearing or event informing them.  Victims of such actions only get to know about the action of the department through information from the banks.
6.      Misguiding figures about the funds received under FCRA by the voluntary sector is put in the public domain, whereas the latest annual report of FCRA department itself indicates that it is only marginal money out of total funds transferred in the country is for voluntary sector. The major beneficiaries under FCRA are not voluntary sector but the religious institutions and corporate academic institutions registered as Not for Profit Institutions under age old Societies Registration Act, 1860.
VANI as a partner in the development and nation building and on behalf of all genuine voluntary development organisations suggested Prime Minister to take following steps:
1.      There is an urgent need to inculcate the accountability on the actions of the FCRA department, by time bound investigations. We only request that provisions of the FCRA is respected and adhered to. We request that investigations are completed within the stipulated timeframe under the law.
2.      Unexplained provisions which are used as the weapon to punish the innocents should be clearly defined. The terms like “national interest”, “Dharna, agitations”, and “political interest” need clear definition as today they are used as one-liners to freeze and suspend the registrations. Even giving information to people on national schemes like NREGS or SSA is considered as working against the national interest in some cases. We feel that making people aware about their entitlements under the law of the land should not be seen as any activity against national interest.  Peaceful demonstration like “satyagraha” or taking small delegation to district collector is not a violent activity.  We urge the proper notification to be issues by the Ministry of Home Affairs on theses definitions.
3.      No certificate or document is issued by the FCRA department after receiving annual returns from the registered organisations. The liability always remains with the registered organisation to beg in front of department to get their records updated. The case of cancellation of 4000 organisations has shown that.  Being managed by Home Ministry, the voluntary organisations do not have physical access to the officials in the building and there is no provision of getting acknowledgement or certification. This not only makes voluntary organisations vulnerable due to uncertainty but also helps touts to misguide and exploit innocent and law abiding citizens. 
4.      There is need to make the FCRA department more accessible to the voluntary organisations by having structured interface. VANI along with FCRA department planned five regional outreach workshops, but the process was stopped after two namely South and West. We request you to restart the process and organise the remaining outreach workshops for North-East, North, and Eastern Region of the country. Such step not only gives chance to voluntary sector and officials to understand each other but also builds a relationship of trust.
5.      Last but not least we request a joint mechanism between voluntary sector and official of Ministry of Home Affairs to discuss issues related to not only to FCRA and other issues of mutual concerns. This is in line with the “National Policy for Voluntary Sector” prepared and endorsed by the Government of India in 2007.   Such joint mechanism will also help in developing white paper on the foreign funding into India, which can clear lots of misconception in the minds of common people.
Through this news we request to all the National and international media to share this news so it should reach to the masses and policy makers across the globe.
-Civil Society Now


The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is pleased to announce the second Request for Proposals (RFP) for global and regional civil society networks addressing HIV related issues. Global and regional networks and consortia of networks that meet the definitions and criteria set by this RFP, are invited to apply for a grant to support core-funding and/or programmatic needs of the network for up to two years (2014/2015).
The deadline for submission of proposals is 22 July 2013 at 12:00 CET.


The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will continue to fund both global and regional networks, but with a positive funding bias towards proposals submitted by consortia of networks, followed by proposals submitted by global networks, followed by proposals submitted by regional networks. Regional networks are encouraged to form or join a consortium for a joint application.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is likely to fund larger consortia or networks in a variety of sectors, rather than a broad selection of networks in many sectors.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will prioritize funding for networks that have a proven track record in working towards the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund outcomes. New and emerging networks can be recommended for funding to the extent that they fill a gap in the global HIV and AIDS response, and are submitting an application in a consortium with other global and/or regional networks with a proven track record.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will prioritize funding networks that are open, enabling coordinated action and dialogue within the network membership.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund is unlikely to fund professional associations, project consortia, or groups of individuals as ‘networks’ if they do not fulfill these characteristics.
The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund will not prioritize proposals by grantees of the 2012 Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund funding round. All applications will be reviewed competitively, according to the definitions and funding priorities set by this Request for Proposals. A new application by a 2012 grantee will be weighed together with their interim reporting results, achieved during the first year of funding. Grantees of the 2012 funding round are encouraged to form or join a consortium for a joint application.

Apply for Earth Care Awards

Earth Care Awards aim to highlight and recognize the special work in tackling the changes posed by climate change. Applications for its 2014 edition are open:

Please visit for Application and other information’s at:

24th South Asian Annual International Workshop in India