NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, April 15, 2013

Three day Training Program on "Development Documentation & Report Writing" from 25- 27th April, 2013 at Bala Vikasa PDTC, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India

Dear Friend,

Greetings from Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh.

Bala Vikasa PDTC is extremely happy to design  a three day Training Program  on “Development Documentation and Report Writing”  from 25 – 27th April,2013  exclusively to help the members of Non-Governmental Organizations to understand the process of documentation and styles.
(Bala VIkasa PDTC is located 150 kms from Hyderabad  capital city of Andhra Pradesh).

Course Introduction: 

‘Documentation’ plays an important role for effective functioning of an organization.
The innovative experiments, indigenous knowledge, the changing scenario of socio- economic and political conditions of the community and the success stories of our interventions need to be documented for intensive learning, training, advocacy, public relations, review and sharpening our goal and vision of our organization.  We need to use all three important forms of documentation, audio, visual and written to cater to all sections of the society.

Course Objective:  

·  To enable the participants to understand the nature and importance of systematic documentation processes
·  To equip them to use appropriate tools for visual documentation such as still and video cameras
·  To help them learn report writing skill to prepare reports and produce newsletters

Course contents:

·  Documentation:  Types, process, stages, content, advantages and skill required
·  How to maintain the quality of a document
·  Types of Reports and what makes a good report?
·  Manual and Electronic documentation
·  Audio-visual documentation


The participants are encouraged to bring their still (digital) /video cameras which can be used during practical exercise. Kindly bring connecting cords for downloading them into computers.

Coarse Language: 


Training Methodology:

The emphasis would be on participatory learning methods. The training will be imparted through lecture-cum-discussion, simulation exercises, demonstration, brain storming exercises, group discussion as well as audiovisual films.

Resource person: Dr.Magimai Pragasam

Dr.Magimai Pragasam has over 30 years of experience in the field of Development communication. He is a professional journalist, film maker, trainer and researcher. He completed his communication studies at the University of Leeds, UK, Social Communication at the University of Lyon, France, Film studies at Xavier Institute of Communication, Journalism and Sociology at University of Mysore. He is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP from FNLP, Florida, USA. He offers training on development and communication, produces films and engages in research in development communication and media education. He has produced several short films and written books in Communication.

Language: English

Award of Certificate: The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course.
Program Cost:

The total program cost is Rs.4500. But in order to encourage and support NGO’s we are providing 50% scholarship. You are request to pay onlyRs.2250 towards Registration and program fee. This amount  should be sent by DD drawn in favour of “Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center” and dispatch the same by post / courier.

BV-PDTC will reimburse maximum upto Rs.1000 towards travel expenses on the submission of their original travel tickets (second class fare only).

To encourage the participation of NGOs in capacity building programs, Bala Vikasa PDTC provides food and accommodation – (Non A/C rooms 3 sharing basis) within the premises of PDTC, at its own cost.
For further details, please refer to the attached prospectus or contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255.

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard.

Application can also be downloaded from our website   

For information on our International programs kindly refer to our brochures on our website.

With best wishes
Mr. S. Shoury Reddy
Executive Director

Note:  Please disseminate this course information to other NGOs / Friends in your region or networks.