NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sit Ratan Tata Small Grant Programme (SGP)

With a view to cater to the needs of small welfare oriented organisations, which were generally unable to access the Trusts' funds, the Sir Ratan Tata Small Grant Programme (SGP) was launched in 1998-99. Since then, the Small Grant Programme has supported several hundred organisations across all five thematic areas of the Trusts.
The Trusts use the SGP extensively to provide institutional support to fledgling development initiatives, including direct support to community based organisations.
In order to qualify for a grant under this programme, an organisation:
must have been in existence for at least one financial year
should be working in a thematic area supported by the Trusts
should be situated in either an urban or rural area, though preference will be given to organisations in rural areas
should have an expenditure not exceeding Rs2 million in the last financial year
should not be employing more than 20 individuals
However, grants may NOT be requested for:
purchase of land and building
construction activity of any kind
purchase of vehicles
corpus fund
conferences, workshops and seminars
office equipment including computers
training or travel abroad
The SGP was primarily envisaged to cater to the needs of small welfare cantered organisations and subsequently amended, to include larger organisations that needed support for strategic planning or evaluation, conducting focused research activities, mainstreaming of innovations, conducting reviews and appraisals and strengthening internal systems.
Grants made to these larger organisations have been classified under the 'special’ category, whilst those sanctioned to the smaller organisations constitute the ‘regular’ SGPs. The programme is also a useful tool for the Trusts to field test new ideas and innovations, support preparatory phases that precede major long duration projects, conduct workshops, events and external reviews within key areas of programmatic intervention.
Receipt of a proposal does not indicate a funding commitment. All proposals received are subjected to a rigorous appraisal process, at the end of which, the decision taken regarding extending support, is communicated to the applicant.
Note: The Trusts support registered Indian Non Profit Organisations only

For more information contact:
The Secretary,
Sir Ratan Tata Trust,
Bombay House,
Homi Mody Street,
Mumbai 400 001,
Tel: +91 - 22 - 6665 8282
Fax: +91 - 22 - 6665 8013