NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

International Fund for Cultural Diversity: Fourth Call for Funding Request

On 21 March 2013 the IFCD launched its fourth call for funding requests for projects and preparatory assistance requests that aim to foster the emergence of a dynamic cultural sector at the national and/or local level, primarily through activities facilitating the introduction of new cultural policies and cultural industries, or strengthening existing ones.
Since 2010, the IFCD is providing more than USD 3.5 million in funding for 61 projects in 40 developing countries, covering a wide range of areas, from the development and implementation of cultural policies, to capacity-building of cultural entrepreneurs, mapping of cultural industries and the creation of new cultural industry business models.
Government authorities and NGOs from developing countries that are Parties to the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, as well as international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), are eligible to apply.
Special attention is given in this fourth call to projects aiming at capacity building for cultural policies, understood as those policies designed to have a direct effect on the creation, production, dissemination, distribution of and access to cultural activities, goods and services. Important information:
  • Government authorities and NGOs are to consult their National Commissions for UNESCO for the submission deadline at the national level.
  • National Commissions for UNESCO will forward pre-selected projects to the UNESCO Secretariat for evaluation by 30 June 2013, midnight CET.
  • INGOs can send their applications directly to the UNESCO Secretariat before the deadline 30 June 2013, midnight CET.
For more information on the IFCD application process, please refer to