NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, March 25, 2013

Skill Enhancement Programme (SEP) for the visually impaired youth for the year of 2013 (from 1st May to 20th June).

Milton Charitable Foundation for the Visually Handicapped invites application for Skill Enhancement Programme (SEP) for the visually impaired youth for the year of 2013 (from 1st May to 20th June). Under this Training Programme, the visually challenged persons from  different parts of India will be imparted various trainings viz, basic knowledge in computer application, personality development and communication skill mobility and other living skill. During the course  of training different seminars and group discussions on various  current issues and challenges confronting disability will be  organized.  So the interested candidates can apply for this training
course which will be conducted for 50 days i.e., 1st May to 20th June  respectively in the current year.   application forms can be obtained from the office of Milton Charitable Foundation For the Visually
Handicapped (MCFVH), Ashok Nagar 5th Line Main Road, Berhampur,  Ganjam, Pin-760004. For more information please contact to   Phone no.  (0680) 2280433, 9861759703 and 9438764629. Also they can avail this  information through email: and can be downloaded from our website: