NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, March 25, 2013

Skill Enhancement Programme (SEP) for the visually impaired youth for the year of 2013 (from 1st May to 20th June).

Milton Charitable Foundation for the Visually Handicapped invites application for Skill Enhancement Programme (SEP) for the visually impaired youth for the year of 2013 (from 1st May to 20th June). Under this Training Programme, the visually challenged persons from  different parts of India will be imparted various trainings viz, basic knowledge in computer application, personality development and communication skill mobility and other living skill. During the course  of training different seminars and group discussions on various  current issues and challenges confronting disability will be  organized.  So the interested candidates can apply for this training
course which will be conducted for 50 days i.e., 1st May to 20th June  respectively in the current year.   application forms can be obtained from the office of Milton Charitable Foundation For the Visually
Handicapped (MCFVH), Ashok Nagar 5th Line Main Road, Berhampur,  Ganjam, Pin-760004. For more information please contact to   Phone no.  (0680) 2280433, 9861759703 and 9438764629. Also they can avail this  information through email: and can be downloaded from our website:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Expression of interest Hiring Of Agency For Livelihood Maping For OLM (Request for Proposals)

Government of Odisha is commited towards reducing the incidence of poverty in the state.A project called National Rural Livelihood Mission is being implemented by the Odisha Livelihood Mission with the asssistance of Gol



Training Division


The National Human Rights Commission has expressly been mandated to promote Human Rights literacy and awareness vide Section 12 (h) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. With a view to spread awareness among University students about the need for protection and promotion of Human Rights, the Commission has been regularly conducting ‘Summer and Winter Internship Programmes’ since 1998 and 2000 respectively.

This year the “Summer Internship Programme (SIP) 2013” will commence from 27th May to 25th June 2013 (30 days). Applications are invited from eligible students of the entire country. Eligibility and selection criteria will be as follows:-

1. Students of the 4th and 5th year pursuing 5 Years Integrated Law Course – (while applying).

2. Students of the 3rd year pursuing 3 years LL.B. Course – (while applying).

3. Students of LL.M. Course

4. Students pursuing Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights, MA in Human Rights, Post Graduate students of Political Science, Sociology, Social Work (MSW), Criminology, Public Administration, Rural Development, History, Economics, Commerce, Anthropology, International Relations and any of the discipline of Social Sciences would be considered with preference to students pursuing their final year.
Only regular students of UGC Recognized Universities will be eligible.

5. Attested photocopies of mark-sheets for each and every year / semester are to be submitted for all the preceding years from Class X onwards failing which the application will be liable to be rejected.

6. Efforts will be made to give representation to all categories.

7. A 500 word write up will be required to be submitted by the applicants along with application which will also serve as a basis of selection.

8. The merit will be made on the basis of marks calculated out of a total of 100 marks on account of Class X @ 30 Marks, Class XII @ 20 Marks and the Marks scored in the Write-up of 500 words @ 50 Marks.

9. Students who have attended the regular one month Summer / Winter Internship Programmes organized by NHRC earlier will not be eligible to apply.

Taking the experience of the earlier Internship Programmes, it is proposed that in this year also the Summer Internship Programme 2013 will accommodate about 50 interns.

Brief Course Structure of SIP 2013 would be –

Sessions on various human rights issues are proposed to be covered to sensitize the
interns. The SIP 2013 will include following inputs:

Classroom sessions.

Interaction with Hon’ble Chairperson and Members of NHRC.

Project work on Human Rights issues.

State Presentation on Human Rights Scenario of the State to which interns belong to.

Book Review from NHRC Library.

Films on Human Rights & Discussion – Child Labour issues, Anti Trafficking, Health and Education issues and discussions.

Field Visits – Two field visits will be organized from among the following:

o Jails – The Interns would basically observe and interact with Jail Authorities and the inmates and appreciate the Jail and Correctional Administration.

o NGO’s- The interns would visit NGOs like Sulabh International, Salam Balak Trust and Prayas NGO where they can interact with Street Children and appreciate the problems.

o Nariniketan – The Interns would visit the Nariniketan in Delhi/NCR to have an exposure and interact with the inmates.

o Juvenile Home – The interns would visit to observe the children and their living conditions and the Juvenile Justice System in practice.

o Old Age Home - The interns would be exposed to the basic human rights problem of the elderly people and get sensitized.

o Beggar’s Home/Court

Cultural programme would be organized by interns on the eve of valediction day
of the SIP 2013.

Rules and regulations governing Internship Programme :

The interns have to get their registration done on the date of arrival.
They will have to attend the programme regularly without break.
Their daily attendance will be marked in a register.
On completion of the Internship, certificates will be issued on the basis of performance on the following criteria:

Attendance, Punctuality, Discipline, Participation in Class during sessions; State Presentation; Project Presentation & Project Report, Debate and Book Review.

Facilities to Interns:

The interns will be given a Kit/Bag containing NHRC reading materials and Intern Badges.

Library facilities will be provided.

Computer with Internet facilities will be provided.


The selected interns from outside Delhi will be allowed ordinary second-class train fare to New Delhi and back to their place of study through the shortest route. For interns other than from Delhi (NCR) will be paid an amount of Rs. 8000/- (Rupees eight thousand only) as stipend. Students from Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) will be paid Rs.4,000/- (four thousand only) as stipend.


An Award of Rs.10,000/- will be given to the Best Intern. APPLICATION FOR SIP 2013
The last date for the submission of the application is 20th April 2013. Kindly send the
application by speed post/ courier/ by-hand superscribed on the envelope “Application
for SIP 2013”. The ‘Application Form’ for SIP 2013’ is available at Annexure–I. An
Undertaking Form duly filled as at Annexure – II may also be submitted.

Please ensure that the application for SIP 2013 is duly signed and sealed by the Head
of the Department (HOD). Applications submitted otherwise will not be accepted.

Incomplete applications / applications without attested copies of mark-sheets are
liable to be rejected. No application will be accepted after the deadline of 20th April
2013, (5.00 pm)

Application in the prescribed proforma (Annexue-I) duly forwarded by HODs may please be sent to Dr. Sudershan Kumar Jain, Senior Research Officer (Training), National Human Rights Commission, Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi – 110001.

The Final List of Selected Interns will be displayed on NHRC website. For any details, you may please contact at Ph: 011–23381959.

Joint Secretary (Trg.)

GuideStar India

Great opportunity for NGOs to get corporate professionals to help over a period of one year with addressing management challenges. Senior corporate professionals in Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Chennai come together to volunteer their time for 6 NGOs in each of the cities. As part of Whiteboard, an iVolunteer initiative, they have committed to helping these organisations through some of their management and systemic challenges over the period of 1 year. NGOs have to apply to avail of this opportunity - each Whiteboard selects the 6 NGOs they believe they can help. If you know of an NGO that can use this help, then do get in touch and ask them to apply to at:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Two days workshop by The Resource Alliance on ‘New Times New Challenges – Emerging issues in Strategy, Governance and the Law’

The Resource Alliance India, Crowe Horwath International and the Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy are pleased to announce two days workshops in Mumbai and New Delhi, for NGOs in India focusing on: ‘New Times New Challenges – Emerging issues in Strategy, Governance and the Law’

Mumbai 11-12 April 2013
New Delhi 15-16 April 2013

The workshops will cover the following topics of great significance to the NGO Sector:
• Risk management
• Strategic alliances
• Good Governance
• Legal frameworks
• Managing and reporting on performance
• Change management

For more information, contact

Admin, CAP INDIA (for Mumbai workshop)
Tel: +91-22-22846534


RESOURCE ALLIANCE, INDIA (for Delhi workshop)
Tel: +91-11-46061326

Green Asia Grant

Application invited for the 42nd Development Dynamics Course, 3rd September to 30th September 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

US Consulate Grants for NGOs in India

U.S. Consulate Chennai Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program

Deadline: 5 May 2013
The United States Consulate Chennai Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program is inviting NGOs to submit proposals to focus on any one of the following priority areas:
1. Promote better U.S.-India bilateral relations, with an emphasis on business ties.
Examples include, but are not limited to, projects that through linkages with U.S. counterparts strengthen educational institutions, civil society organizations, or the emerging leaders in these fields; support economic empowerment and entrepreneurship; promote workers’ rights, women’s empowerment, climate change, and corporate social responsibility.
2. Encourage regional and global roles for India.
Examples include, but are not limited to, projects that support academic, art and cultural, civil society, and other exchanges and projects that strengthen ties between the United States, India, and its regional neighbors, assisting in the development of friendly, sympathetic, economically beneficial and peaceful relations.
3. Enhance security cooperation. 
Examples include, but are not limited to, projects that counter extremism; counter falsehoods, messaging, and propaganda; present accurate information on U.S.-India cooperation; and provide educational opportunities for Indian youth.
Funding Type and Amount:  Grant
§  Minimum (“Floor”) Award Amount:  $500
§  Maximum (“Ceiling”) Award Amount:  $10,000

Basic Eligibility Information:
1.  Non profit.  The U.S. Consulate Chennai Public Affairs Section only accepts applications from non-governmental organizations and other legally-recognized non-profit institutions that meet U.S. and/or Indian technical and legal requirements.
2.  Proper and complete registrations and rights.  Applicants must acquire all required registrations in the United States and India.  All intellectual property considerations and rights must be fully met in the United States and India.
3.  Additional requirements may apply if necessary.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Grants for Youth Development

For sustainable development to be attained, youth focused programmes need to be given most priority, our grants are more targeted for grassroots organizations.

Why grassroots?
The most vulnerable young people are often those hardest to reach, most youth organizations lack appropriate resources to make the necessary impact. We believe Youth based organizanizations and community-based organizations are the best positioned to reach these youths and to provide them with the programs and services they need.
Priority Areas
§         Entrepreneurship
§         Agribusiness
§         Health - HIV/AIDS & underage pregnant girls
§         Environmental - innovative initiatives.
§         Capacity Development - strengthening the capacity of youth leadership development and civil engagement.
Note: we do fund political groups or programmes with political agendas, the youth grants are only intended for investing in strategies that offer strong potential to advance innovations in programmes and initiatives that increase the social and economic development among young people.

Apply for a grant - 2013/2014
We’re glad you are interested in applying for a grant from from Youth For International Development.
Calling for proposals
We are calling for proposals, kindly download and read the Grants application guide below and If you believe that your organization is a good match with one of our funding priorities, and can meet all our requirements, please proceed with submitting your request.

Closing date - Monday 4th April 2013 at 3:30 PM GMT.

Request for Proposal (RFP) on Organizing a Structured Skill Based Programme for the Village Youth on Identification and Documentation of Biodiversity Components in the Select States

The GEF UNDP Small Grants Programme (SGP)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grant Assistance for Grassroot Projects (GGP)

Japan’s Grant assistance for Grassroots Projects
Projects for:
1.  Basic Health Care
2. Primary Education and Adult Literacy
3. Poverty Alleviation
4. Safe Drinking Water And Sanitation
5. Women‘s Empowerment
6. Child Labour
7. Preservation of Environment
Last Date  for Project application: 30. June. 2013

For further enquiries about Japan’s Grant assistance for Grassroots Projects or clarifications, please visit:

Chennai, Madurai & Bangalore NGOs Attention Please

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

opportunity to compete for four seed grants between $5,000-10,000.

10 innovators will receive 8 weeks of pro-bono consulting support from American Express executives and the opportunity to compete for one of four seed grants between $5,000-10,000.
March 31, 2013

1.    Innovator must be working in his or her home country of Argentina, Canada, India, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United States, and must be fully conversant in English.
2.    Innovations can be early-, mid- or late-stage but must be operational.
3.    Innovator must benefit from deep support in one of the following areas:
1.    Message & Brand Strategy: To clearly articulate your mission, describe programs/services, and develop a differentiated positioning from the market
2.    Digital Marketing Strategy: To optimize digital channels (e.g., mobile, search engines, blogs, social media) and digital marketing to achieve your objectives
3.    Customer Relationships: To design strategies to deepen your relationships with existing clients or audiences
4.    Consumer/Audience Acquisition: To develop strategies for identifying and engaging important new clients or audiences
5.    Peer Benchmarking Analysis: To assess your organization’s competitive positioning and better evaluate its performance (using objective data to understand industry best practices, optimal fundraising sources, optimal staff size, etc.)
6.    Opportunity Analysis: To develop a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to provide an in-depth look at the environment in which you operate
7.    Staffing Capabilities: To assess your staff recruitment and retention capabilities and link improved staffing practices to broader organizational goals
8.    Performance Management: To develop staffing and management strategies that increase productivity and staff engagement
For more Information please visit:

Training on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Training

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Irish Aid in India – encouraging new ideas

Irish Aid – Focusing on Poverty Alleviation

Irish Aid engages primarily with grass root NGOs in tackling the causes and consequences of poverty by supporting qualitative and innovative projects with measurable outcomes in terms of social and economic development of the under served people groups.

In-Country Micro Project Scheme (ICMPS):Irish Aid in India is managed by the Embassy of Ireland, New Delhi, through In-Country Micro Project Scheme (ICMPS).  The Scheme is designed to provide financial assistance primarily to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) implementing innovative projects in line with the objectives of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially projects that address the root  causes of poverty in a way that is strategic and cost effective, enhances local capacity and ownership, and is consistent with Irish Aid’s other programme of work.
Key principles and Thematic Sectors:The key principles are as follows: Relevance and poverty focus, Sustainability, Gender, Effectiveness and efficiency, Use of appropriate and innovative technologies, Local Community’s stake holding or public private partnership.  As resources available are scarce, and the scale of developmental challenges in India and the region are immense, it is necessary to adopt a selective approach. While circumstances will vary from country to country, priority will be given to projects in the following sectors: Basic Education, Primary Health Care, Water and Sanitation, Micro-enterprise development, Training and Capacity Building, HIV/AIDS, and Democratic Governance.
Geographical PriorityThe geographical focus is generally on under served districts of Orissa, Karnataka, West Bengal, Delhi NCR and Tamil Nadu. Marginal focus is on Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, if funds permit.
Projects NOT eligible
  • Projects that are primarily of a welfare nature and that are clearly not sustainable without external support, such as feeding programmes or the provision of financial relief 
  • Emergency projects that are in response to natural or human disasters 
  • Projects that involve evangelisation or the proselytising of religious beliefs
  • Projects involving sponsorship of individuals or families
  • Educational scholarships
  • Projects that have received funding in the past from Irish Aid under other budget lines such as the NGO Co-financing Scheme or the Human Rights and Democratisation Scheme

    Organisational Eligibility
    Organisations eligible for consideration under this definition include registered NGOs, community based organisations, faith-based organisations involved in development work, cooperatives, farmer associations and trade unions, registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) of the Government of India.  Applicant organisations are expected to possess a verifiable track record of public-private partnerships, transparency in governance, financial accountability and facilitation of community stake holding, in their previous projects. 

    Size of grants and Budgetary Concerns
    Until last year, the maximum ceiling was € 26,000, per year, subject to a maximum of €78,000 per project over three years.  However, the ceiling of micro-project grant will be decided on a case to case basis, based on nature of the proposed project, the size and financial capacity of the organisation, technical expertise, geographical reach, scope of generating income, and extent of verifiable outcome within the project lifecycle.  Approximately, 75 % of the cost of the project can be applied for.  Support for recurrent costs, such as salaries, fuel and maintenance, will be considered provided there is clear evidence that the outcome or the progress of the project will not be undermined whenIrish Aid funding ceases.  Vehicles and building construction will be low priorities under the scheme. International travel or costs associated with expatriate personnel will not be covered under the scheme.

    Duration of Funding
    Grants approved under the scheme can be for projects of a once-off, short-term nature, i.e. six months (in case of a pilot project) to one year, or to cover projects with a longer life cycle, up to a maximum of three years.  Projects that have received funding under the scheme for a three-year period will not be eligible for any additional grants, thereafter. 

    Administration of the SchemeThe scheme is administered by the Development Cooperation Section at the Embassy of Ireland, New Delhi, in coordination with Department of External Affairs, Ministry of Finance (Government of India), who are joint reviewers of the applications.  A well defined and objective processing methodology is adapted to review applications.  When possible, a preliminary visit is made to the applicant’s project area to assess the technical expertise required to implement the proposed project.  The funding scheme and its operations are inspected and audited periodically, to ensure transparency and efficiency of funding.

    Possibilities for Strategic Alliances and Fund-poolingIn order to ensure efficiency, enhanced impact and in line with the objectives of harmonisation and aid effectiveness, the Embassy continues to explore from time to time, possibilities for establishing strategic alliances with key stakeholders in order to identify synergies and opportunities for coherent action.  In addition, the Embassy is exploring opportunities for collaboration with private donors and Corporates. 

    Monitoring and evaluationIrish Aid will monitor, audit and evaluate, on a periodical basis, a selected number of projects funded under the scheme.  Applicants will be required to cooperate withIrish Aid in carrying out evaluations and audits and to provide access to all relevant documents as requested.

    ReportingAll grants recipients will be required to submit a completion report in the prescribed format at the end of the project period, including a full financial statement and original receipts.  Where funding of for a multi-year project, interim reports will be required after each twelve-month period where applicable, and release of subsequent years’ funds will be conditional on satisfactory progress in these reporting periods.

    Application ProcedureProspective applicant organisations / networks and inquirers are advised to send in a concept note (not more than 3 to 4 pages) describing the proposed project with an outline budget.  If the concept qualifies, an application pack will be dispatched to the NGO, in order to submit a full proposal, with all relevant annexure and detailed budget.  The Embassy also does not respond to appeals from individuals, in any form. Due to a number of applications and inquiry letters, the processing of concept note normally takes 2 to 3 weeks.  When the concept is found viable, application pack will be sent to the applicant organisation.  It takes 3 months on an average to process application/full proposal, due to the involvement of joint review by concerned departments of the Government of India.  The Embassy of Ireland has adequate measures in place to keep the application process simple and ensures objective processing of the same. The concept notes or any queries for further information should be sent preferably as hard copy to:
The Program Officer,
Development Cooperation Section,
Embassy of Ireland,
C 17 Malcha Marg
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Project Inspire 2013 Grant for Empowerment of Women (Request for Proposals)

Project Inspire presents 18-35 year olds across the world with a platform to pitch their inspired idea to the world and win a US$25,000 grant. The grant must show creativity and sustainable impact in the lives of women and girls across Asia, Pacific, the Middle East or Africa through access to business and livelihood skills.

To qualify for the US$25,000 grant, the project must meet all of the following requirements:

The program must enable disadvantaged women and girls to attain sustained livelihood through business and livelihood skills.

An existing women's empowerment program.

Beneficiaries must be women or girls in Asia/Pacific, Middle East or Africa.

The winner(s) of this competition will have to commence fieldwork by 1 December 2013.

The project is designed to be implemented with a US$25,000 budget .

Entries should be submitted in the form of either a (maximum) 5-minute video OR a (maximum) 2-page A4-sized proposal.

Video entries are to be uploaded on public video-sharing sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. A link to the video must be provided in the submission form.

Submissions, either video or written, must be made in English.

Each proposal should address the following questions:

What is your inspirational idea?

How will your project change the lives of women and girls in the short and long term?
Tell us how many women and/or girls will benefit directly and indirectly from your project How will you/your team carry out the project?
Tell us the activities you have planned in order to reach your goal.
Please include key phases relevant to your project i.e., ground preparation, pilot phase, training period, evaluation etc.
How will you spend the US$25,000 grant to carry out the project?
Please include a detailed budget plan on how the US$25,000 grant will be utilized, clearly indicating distinctions between programme expenses, operational cost, manpower cost and other spending relevant to your project.
How will you measure the success of the project?