NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Call for applications - 2013 Landesa Center for Women's Land Rights Visiting Professionals Program

 In 2012 the Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights launched its Women’s Land Rights Visiting Professionals Program. The program’s inaugural year was a huge success, and we are writing now to invite applications for our second cohort.

 Through this program we seek to cultivate a network of qualified professionals who are strongly committed to strengthening women’s land rights at local, national, and international levels. Our goal is to boost these visiting professionals’ capacity to strengthen women’s land rights, to foster their ability and motivation to support each other and work together, and to reinforce their commitment to strengthening women’s land rights.

 The program starts with a six-week period of in-house intensive training at our main office in Seattle, WA, USA, followed by a year of mentoring and sharing expertise after the visiting professionals return to their countries and implement a mutually agreed upon project.  This year’s cohort will consist of professionals from India, China, and East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda), and they will join us in September 2013. 

 We invite you to consider this opportunity and would be very grateful if you could help us by reaching out to qualified candidates, organizations, and/or networks and forward this information to them.
 For more information on the program and to apply, please visit the Visiting Professionals Program page of Landesa’s website.

 If you have questions, please contact

Laura Landau |
Program Assistant 
Landesa 1424 Fourth Ave., Suite 300, Seattle 98101
T: +1 +1 206-257-6139 F: +1 +1 206-528-5881
Securing land rights for the world's poorest