NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, August 13, 2012

Workshop on Organizational development

(Self renewal programme for management cadres of NGDO)

Asian Institute for Responding to Conflict and Development ( AIRCoD, siddharthvillage) ,Bangalore
conducts an unique experiential course for management cadres of NGDOs.

A 4 days Workshop on Organizational Development to be conducted at ( AIRCoD, siddharthvillage) ,Bangalore from 23rd to 26th Aug.2012.
Attending this workshop will definitely be beneficial for your organization. We request you to send one of your managerial staff for
this workshop.

Date: 23 Aug 2012 -26 Aug 2012.
(Stay 22nd  night to 26th  night)
Medium of the course: English
Participants: Only for managerial cadres of NGDOs
Registration fees: Rs.250/-  course fee including food accommodation Rs.5000/-
(Five scholarship of Rs.2000 is available for small groups for first come first serve basis)
For further details contact:
Ms. Noel,
Siddharth Village,
Jatni, Odisha
Mob: 9437009322