NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4th EdelGive Social Innovation Honours 2012

The 4th EdelGive Social Innovation Honours 2012, is a national awards programme instituted by the EdelGive Foundation, to reward innovative work in the social sector in India.

The objective for the EdelGive Social Innovation Honours is to identify and reward organisations that are innovating to empower women in India.

In India statistics continue to highlight the ways women and girls remain marginalised and disempowered:

o    Over 50% of girls in India still fail to enroll in schools In rural areas,

o    1 in 7 is married before the age of 13

o    Lack of access to maternal health care in India still claims the lives of 1 in 70 women

o    Female labourers get paid only 40 to 60 per cent of wages compared to a male labourer

Such figures reveal a pressing need for progress, and that's why we choose to focus on funding and showcasing for innovative work that helps to empower women in five four different categories: Education, Health and Well-Being, Livelihoods and Rights and Representation.


Last Date for Application September 23, 2011 for More Information:

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