NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One week certificate course in "Community Driven Development" for South Asian NGO's at Bala Vikasa PDTC, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India

Bala Vikasa PDTC is announce 5th One week-long special training program in “Community Driven Development” (CDD) for the benefit of NGOs working in South Asian countries. This program is scheduled from 11 – 17th July, 2011 at Bala Vikasa PDTC Premises.
 The course consists of both theoretical and practical aspects of various approaches and tools of community development. The participants will also be exposed to Bala Vikasa development approaches proven successful in the field. Interested NGOs may nominate their CEOs/Directors/Governing Body Members or Senior Program Executives to benefit from this program. The details of the course content, objectives of the course etc. are specified in the
 The maximum intake number for the training program is only 25 from 6-7 Asian countries. Hence we request to confirm your participation at the earliest by sending your application form download from
 The participants are requested to pay Rs.10, 000 towards Registration and course fee. BV-PDTC will reimburse Rs.3000 towards travel expenses for Non-Indian participants and Rs.1000 for Indian participants on the submission of their original travel tickets (second class fare only).
 To encourage the participation of NGOs from South Asian countries in capacity building programs, Bala Vikasa PDTC provides food and accommodation – (Non A/C rooms 3 sharing basis) within the premises of PDTC, at its own cost.
 For further details, please contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255.

Note:  Please disseminate this course information to other NGOs / Friends in your region or networks.