NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Times of India Social Impact Awards

As animplementation   partner for TheTimes of India Social Impact Awards, GuideStar India encourages you to apply for these awards. Please read the invitation and theFAQs section before you apply.
  • To apply, you can log in via Twitter, Facebook, itimes, indiatimes or TOI IDs. If you do not have an account on these,please click “More Login Options” and select 'Connect with Times of India' and join as a new member
  • If you have any queries, please write
  • Last date for applications: 7th July, 2011. We advise you to apply at the earliest
  • Log in to and send in your applications 



The objective of the service is to  develop complete training kit on

(1) SHG Management
(a) SHG Promotion and Management like Practices of Panchasutras, Leadership & Group Dynamics, Conflict resolution etc.
(b)SHG Book Keeping
(c)Micro-planning in SHG

(2) Federation Management
(a) CLF, GPLF, BLF Promotion and Management
(b) Financial Management & Book Keeping in Federations

(3) Basic Orientation to Community Resource Persons

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nirnaya women's fund

Nirnaya is a women's fund which since inception has been supporting various women's groups across the country. In future too it has plans to support deserving individuals and groups who identify with the cause of women and are passionate about it.
Nirnaya welcomes applications for funds from such women who sincerely want to bring about transformation. However, such individuals and groups need to confirm to certain basic criteria listed below.
Should be women
Should be based and working in India only
Should be individuals / groups with three years experience working on women's issues
In the case of individuals, should be actively engaged in mobilizing and organizing grassroots women of vulnerable sections and working towards building up an organization committed to grassroots women's empowerment
Preferably at least one person in the group should have completed high school
Should be proficient in local language
Should be conversant with local issues
Go ahead and get in touch with us if you fit the criteria. It may be kept in mind, however, that the eligibility will be decided by Nirnaya and not potential applicants!
For further information contact:

 #11, Deepti Apartments, S.P.Road,
Secunderbad- 26,A.P., India.
Tel: 91-40-27805089
Fax : 91-40-27717305
e-mail :

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One week certificate course in "Community Driven Development" for South Asian NGO's at Bala Vikasa PDTC, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India

Bala Vikasa PDTC is announce 5th One week-long special training program in “Community Driven Development” (CDD) for the benefit of NGOs working in South Asian countries. This program is scheduled from 11 – 17th July, 2011 at Bala Vikasa PDTC Premises.
 The course consists of both theoretical and practical aspects of various approaches and tools of community development. The participants will also be exposed to Bala Vikasa development approaches proven successful in the field. Interested NGOs may nominate their CEOs/Directors/Governing Body Members or Senior Program Executives to benefit from this program. The details of the course content, objectives of the course etc. are specified in the
 The maximum intake number for the training program is only 25 from 6-7 Asian countries. Hence we request to confirm your participation at the earliest by sending your application form download from
 The participants are requested to pay Rs.10, 000 towards Registration and course fee. BV-PDTC will reimburse Rs.3000 towards travel expenses for Non-Indian participants and Rs.1000 for Indian participants on the submission of their original travel tickets (second class fare only).
 To encourage the participation of NGOs from South Asian countries in capacity building programs, Bala Vikasa PDTC provides food and accommodation – (Non A/C rooms 3 sharing basis) within the premises of PDTC, at its own cost.
 For further details, please contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255.

Note:  Please disseminate this course information to other NGOs / Friends in your region or networks.

Training Courses of Sambodhi Research & Management Institute to be held at New Delhi

Sambodhi Research & Management Institute is pleased to announce the following bouquet of training courses to be held at New Delhi in the month of June:-

Process Documentation of Development Interventions from June 10 & 11, 2011
Basic and Advanced SPSS from June 17-19, 2011
Fundraising through grants- Writing winning proposal from June 24 - 25, 2011

The course shall provide:
• 20-24 hours of classroom sessions and tutorials
• Reading and reference material
• Rigorous hands-on practice on key skills
In case you are interested in the programme please send an email to obtain the programme flyer and registration form. You may also avail early-bird and group registration discounts on the training fee.

Any queries that you may have in this regard, kindly contact:
Mr. Aakash Mehrotra 
91-11- 40560734 (ext 307)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Last Date for nominations has been extended to 30th June 2011
Further details visit: