NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Minority Scholarships

*Minority Scholarships*
*Starting from July2023*

🤔 *Student belonging to minority community viz Muslim, Jain, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh & Parsi* 
*Avail this amazing Scholarships by Central Government👨‍🎓👩‍🎓* 🇮🇳

👉For your info there are selected *85 Central Govt Institute viz IIT, NIT, IIIT, IIM, NID, NIFT & many more* in India, in which you (minorities) can study for free

😳😳 Get details about it here👇
⭕If you are studying Technical & Professional courses in these Institute then

👉Apply online at NSP for merit cum means scholarships for Minorities:

⭕50% above in last exam
⭕Family income: less than 2.5 lacs/year

E.g IIM MBA course fees is about 10 - 20 lacs, student will get full fees reimbursement

*👉Apply for it when portal starts in July 2023* 

🤔For any queries/ organizing Seminars on Scholarships
✍️ Aamir Nurle 

*📲Note: Share with all minority students* 
For all who dream to join IIMs, IITs but give up due to high fees & lack of awareness