NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Little things for life

Invest in Women

Google’s election hub empowers voters

Is elections fever driving you to Google for campaign news? Like the millions of Indian voters who are searching up a storm about the Lok Sabha elections, or who are searching for their polling dates, we’re also curious to find out more about the coming polls. That’s why we’ve given our Google Elections hub a significant facelift: starting today, Indian voters who visit will now see many new tools that will help get them informed, engaged, and inspired for voting day.
This revamped hub is the home of our Pledge to Vote campaign, a “Google score” tool for politicians, Search trends infographics, YouTube Election playlists (get even more videos at our YouTube Elections hub), and where you can tune into our Hangouts with politicians.
These historic elections mark a crucial moment for India. It’s important that you exercise your right to vote, which is why we set up this first-ever Pledge to Vote map for India. Using the map-tool, you can share why you pledge to vote, while also viewing why your fellow citizens across the nation pledge to vote.

Please visit for more at:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

United Nations Millennium Campaign

Over 1.5 million have had their say at the UN. Now let's get to 2 million- Let's keep going! Please share this with your network 

At the UN, we want to hear from you. Take the survey today and tell us the world you want.

Live simply so others may simply live


Government warns of NGOs' vulnerability to terror funding and money laundering

PUBLISHED: 23:22 GMT, 21 March 2014 | UPDATED: 23:22 GMT, 21 March 2014

Thousands of NGOs which receive foreign aid, many of whom do not file returns on such contributions, are vulnerable to terror funding and money laundering, the home ministry has warned.
Though there are more than 22,000 NGOs registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), intelligence inputs indicate that there are many others that work secretly and are not registered.

On the other hand, 19,000 of the registered organisations do not file returns on foreign contributions.
Foreign funding for NGOs has risen by almost 12 per cent in 2011-12, with Rs 11,549 crore being pumped into these organisations from abroad every year, according to the home ministry's latest report on the FCRA. 
According to the report, foreign contributions worth Rs 2,253 crore come for activities other than the most common causes listed by the Ministry of Home Affairs for foreign contributions.
The common sectors for foreign funding are rural development, welfare of children, health, awareness camps and religious purposes. 
"We need to know where this money is being used. We need to coordinate with the authorities of the donor countries and crack down on some of these NGOs," said an official in the home ministry. 
The five major donor countries are the US, Britain, Germany, Italy and Netherlands. Countries like the UAE, Mauritius, Austria, Sweden and Spain are also among the top 15 donor nations. 
"Appropriate action has been/is being taken for non-compliance of statutory obligations," the report stated. 
"The number of associations reporting receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution is increasing. 
However, it is a matter of concern that a large number of registered associations do not submit their statutory annual returns mandated by the law," the FCRA report added. 
This has made intelligence agencies sceptical about the nature of work of some NGOs that are under the scanner. 
Sources said there could even be some NGOs that that are funded by foreign countries and involved in "suspicious activities". 
Based on estimates by the home ministry, there are approximately 20 lakh NGOs across India and less than 2 per cent are registered for foreign funding. 
The number of NGOs receiving foreign funding has increased in the past few years. 
NGOs in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra receive the highest funding.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Opportunities for NGOs to set up Skill Development Training Center under NSDC, STAR Progrrame of India

Interested NGO are requested to submit Expression of Interest to CHESTA for setting of Training Centers at their programme areas for the development of youths. The STAR Scheme is an initiative to boost employability and productivity of youths by providing them Monetary Incentives to voluntary join an approved skill training course that is certified by Sector Skill Counsel. The Scheme is available at RCSM approved by Govt. of India/NSDC.

Interested NGOs are requested to contact in the following address to set up the Authorized Training Centers under Skill Development Schemes:

Radhakrushna Street
Gate Bazar, Aska Road
Berhampur, Ganjam
Mobile No: 08895353908. 09438078696, 09337503045
Land Line: 0680-2223045

Odisha Election Schedule

Saturday, March 8, 2014

8th March


Special camp on March 9 for Voters of India

The Election Commission of India is organizing a special camp on March 9, 2014 outside every polling station to help people check their names in the electoral roll and get themselves registered if needed so that they can vote in the Lok Sabha elelctions 2014.

The entire electoral roll of the polling station along with inclusion, modification and deletion supplements will be pasted on the wall of each polling station. Please check your name in the electoral roll. If it is missing or you have not yet registered, fill up the relevant forms to enroll yourself. The Booth Level Officer (BLO) will be there to help you fill up the forms. 

Friends, don't forget to visit your polling station this Sunday to ensure that your name is on the electoral roll.

Scheme for Financial Assistance to Voluntary Organisations for Book Promotion Activities for the financial Year 2014-2015

Women entrepreneurs in India are growing, shows report

March 05, 2014
Business Today/ by Sarika Malhotra

With International Women's Day in the offing, a new report - SHEHEROES Report Women at Work, India 2014 - on the status of women in the country was released on Tuesday.

It looks at urban educated women and their efforts at work life balance, mapping them against the sectors they are in and the social backgrounds they come from.

The report surveyed 50,000 women, classifying them on the basis of their social backgrounds, employment seeking behaviour and articulation of work-life preferences and career life cycles over a period of one year. The study was conducted in more than 60 Indian towns and cities from Allahabad to Port Blair.

The biggest category of women - 24 per cent - among those surveyed fell in the 'New Tracker' category: early stage professionals, into their first job or an internship. The report notes that a large number of women professionals join the workforce at this stage and it's easier for businesses to induct and train them. Typical concerns of women in this category are lack of a visible roadmap in their careers, mentorship, and sometimes lack of family support or peer network.

The second largest group in the report was the one it classified as 'Off Trackers' at 23 per cent. These are women professionals with significant experience, skill and adaptability who have stopped working for various reasons, which can range from marriage and childbirth to having to take up care-giving roles in the family.

The report mentions that the Indian female workforce has an exceptionally high number of such women and it is because so many women 'drop out' that the number of women in leadership and mid-management roles in the country is low.

Looking for an alternative to a professional career, many are turning entrepreneurs. It highlights how 'momentrepreneurs' and women owners of small/medium businesses are growing, with 11 per cent women falling in that bracket. These include home based businesses, boutiques and custom fit lifestyle businesses. With the digital space in India expanding, the number of such women will keep growing.

Sairee Chahal, Founder SHEHEROES, points out that, according to the International Labour Organisation, India ranks in the bottom 20 of a list of 131* counties in female labour force participation. "Senior level female employees in India are just 5 per cent compared to the global average of 20 per cent," she adds. "In India almost 48 per cent women drop out of workforce before they reach the middle of their careers, compared to the Asia regional average of 29 per cent."

(The views expressed above are the personal views of the writer)

Women Sowers of Development Prize

Caritas Internationalis and the Fidel Götz Foundation are launching the Women Sowers of Development Prize to honour the role of women in solving world hunger.

To download an application pack and find out more about the award, please visit or for details:  and for application:

Communities Adapt to Extreme Weather Conditions in Odisha

On the eve of International Women’s Day 2014, UNDP in India want to highlight, through this beautiful photo-essay, the story of the women of Puri district in Odisha, who are finding innovative ways to deal with extreme weather events. Like & share the story to spread their commendable work!

Since 2011, a UNDP partnership with the govt of Odisha, supported by AusAid, is enabling communities in the district to adapt to climate change. Read how- For more on the story, pls visit- #‎IWD2014

Celebrating International Women's Day

By designing for and with poor women,
We can achieve greater impact in their lives
“Inspiring Change: Equality for All

for greater awareness of women's equality
for more women in senior leadership role
for equal recognition of women in the art
for growth of women owned business
for increased financial independence of women

Equality for women living with HIV is progress for all
for more women in science, engineering and technology
for fairer recognition of women in sports

Happy International Women’s Day ! March 8, 2014