NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, April 29, 2013

Job - Finance Officer- Odisha

Finance Officer
Location: Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Apply by: 10 May 2013
 Account Officer, to be placed at Sikshasandhan head quarter at Bhubaneswar.
 SALARY: Negotiable
Sikshasandhan has been working on education innovation since 1995. As
a resource centre Sikshasandhan have been focussing upon tribal children,carrying out research and documentation and publication and advocacyon education on education issues. That apart Sikshasandhan have also beenproviding hand holding support to govt. /non-govt.organizations to onthe issue in elementary education including teacher’s education and curriculum development etc.
 In this regard Sikshasandhan is working in kaptipada block of Mayurbhanj district in Odisha. The concerned position is part of the Welthungerhilfe supported project in two pancahyats of Kaptipada block.
 Application are invited for the aforesaid finance office position at Bhubaneswar office. Associated responsibilities of the Job shall include:

1.Overall financial and administrative management of the concerned project.
2.Monthly closings and preparation of monthly financial statements
3.Reconcile and maintain balance sheet accounts
4.Draw up monthly financial reports
5.Ensure accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close
6.Assist in preparing budgets and forecasts, preparing periodic reports that compare budgeted costs to actual costs
7.Monitor and resolve bank issues including fee anomalies and check differences
8.Account/bank reconciliations
9.Review and process expense reports
10.Ensure financial records are maintained in compliance with accepted policies and procedures
11.Prepare payments by verifying documentation, and requesting disbursements
12.Cash management
13.Secure financial information by completing data base backups
 •Minimum 3 years experience as an accountant in a leading organisation
 Please mention the title of the post applied for in the subject line of the E-Mail or on the letter.
 Job Email id: sikshasandhan@)

Commonwealth Youth Awards open for 2013 nominations

3 April 2013
Awards highlight contribution young people make to achieving development goals
The Commonwealth Youth Awards, which encourage and sustain investment in youth-led development, are open for 2013 nominations.
Youth workers are encouraged to nominate young people, who are driving innovative projects in any number of areas, including agriculture, small enterprise, skills training, climate change/environment protection, sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction.
The Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP), promotes the awards as an attempt to raise the profile and highlight the contribution of young people who are integrally involved in the process of change and are working side by side with decision-makers for a more secure future. The awards also give international, regional and national recognition to the young men and women who are selected.
CYP works with 54 Commonwealth member countries through four regional centres based in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. There will be four finalists per Commonwealth region with the top entry from each region receiving a regional winner award and the top regional winner receiving the pan-Commonwealth award.
Winners are awarded grants to advance the work of their projects and they also liaise closely with the CYP on the best way to use the funding. Nominees for the awards should be aged between 15 and 29 years. Applications close on 30 June 2013.
Evans Wadongo won both the pan-Commonwealth and Africa region 2012 Commonwealth Youth Awards. He received a £5,000 grant for the charity he founded, ‘Use solar, save lives’. Regional winners for Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific each won a £3,000 grant.
At 19, Mr Wadongo designed a solar-powered lantern using recycled materials. Over 27,000 of these lanterns have been produced and distributed across Kenya, providing a safer, cheaper and environmentally friendly lighting alternative to kerosene lamps. His programme has expanded to include building regional youth centres, which provide skills training for young people.
For more information on the 2013 awards:
Or contact:
Commonwealth Youth Awards

EDE odia course from 10th June- 8th July 2013

THIRD is  going to conduct Eco village Design Education  in Oriya.  The course is certified by Gaia Education, Scotland, U.K and an official contribution to the United Nations Decade of education for Sustainable Development 2004-2014. The course will be held between 10th June – 8th July,  2013 at Woodsong World Resorts, siddharth village community school of ecology, Kakiriguma, Koraput. Odisha. Please find in attachment the EDE course broucher with all the details. The broacher is prepared both in English and Odia.

For further details please visit: and other website mentioned in their brochure in the attachment.

Incase it interests your organization and you need sponsorship, you may approach the donor agencies for sponsoring candidates for this course.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

80 CDs for NGOs

First time in India Kumar Publications offer an Amazing Collection of 80 CDs on How to raise funds from US & European Foundations, Govt. of India & UN Projects,  Worldwide Donors, Awards & Fellowships, Fundraising guides, CSR & innovative projects etc…. for NGOs, Voluntary Organisations, Charitable institutions and individuals!  For more details log on their website:

Ph: 0 9791887612

(An excellent collection of 14 DVDs pack (Rs.750/- only) for School, College students and nature lovers is also available with us.)  

For more information please visit:

Kumar Publications

Bus Stand Road,
Chinnalapatti (Post),
Dindigul District - 624 301

Phone: 0451-245 3272
Mobile : 0 9791887612


Funding for NGOs of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Prodesh

The Savitri Trust is currently only accepting applications from registered charities working in India, for projects in the field of eye care and mother and child healthcare, in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh.
Organisations whose applications are accepted enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Trust and will be consistently monitored and evaluated for performance to ensure that the agreed targets are being met. Regular correspondence, reports and visits will be made by our Regional Manager.
Please note that the Trust does not support expeditions or individuals.


Smaller to medium sized one-time grants (up to Rs. 15 lakhs, £20,000) may be submitted at any time.
Larger applications (Rs. 15 lakhs – 80 lakhs, £20-100,000) for either one-time grants or in a 3-5 year time frame must be submitted to the Trust before 1st July to be considered for the next financial year; 1st April – 31st March.

To request an application form, please email with a brief explanation of your organisation and what you require funding for.
The Savitri Trust Focus states in india- Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh
Last Date 1st July
For more information please visit:

40% Discount for NGOs & Religious Groups

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Unite for Safe India for Women and Girls

Protest Against Rape

Protect Women

2013 SEED Awards Applications Now Open

Call for Applications: 2013 SEED Awards seek innovative projects on
gender equality and women’s empowerment

Posted on April 16 2013

New York, 16 April 2013 –UN Women joins the European Union, the German
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety, the government of Flanders, the UN Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO), and the international law firm Hogan Lovells in
supporting theSEED Award, an initiative that aims to help the most
promising start-up entrepreneurs, women-led enterprises and other
social and environmental inspiring businesses to integrate ideas and
proposals to address pressing local issues.

Innovative and entrepreneurs from emerging economies, developing and
least developed countries c
an send their applications to win a tailor-made support package to
help expand their business, as part of the 2013 SEED Awards, which
opens today.

The award includes expert advice on developing their business plans
for the winners, as well as their participation in specially-designed
workshops to enhance their skills, and benefit from high-level
profiling of their enterprises through an international network of
businesses, governments and development institutions.

For the 2013 cycle, SEED will make available up to two SEED Gender
Equality Awards, supported by UN Women. To check country eligibility
for the Gender Equality Awards use the SEEDS country eligibility

To be eligible to apply for the SEED Gender Equality Award, the
enterprises need to:
•    Demonstrate entrepreneurship and innovation.
•    Deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.
•    Show the intention and potential to become financially sustainable.
•    Be a partnership between different stakeholder groups.
•    Be locally driven or locally led.
•    Demonstrate that it has the potential for scale up or significant replication.
•    Be in the early stages of implementation.
•    Be from a country with a developing or emerging economy.
•    Be run or owned by a woman or women and prioritise gender equality
and/or women’s empowerment as a core objective.
Detailed eligibility criteria are available at, along
with details of previous Award Winners.

Applications can be filled in online at the SEED Initiative
website   or can be downloaded and emailed to  Applicants may also contact the SEED

Initiative by email or phone (+49 30 89 00 068 99) in case they are
not able to submit their application electronically.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 12 June, 2013, 23:59
Central European Time (CET).

International Fund for Cultural Diversity: Fourth Call for Funding Request

On 21 March 2013 the IFCD launched its fourth call for funding
requests for projects and preparatory assistance requests that aim to
foster the emergence of a dynamic cultural sector at the national
and/or local level, primarily through activities facilitating the
introduction of new cultural policies and cultural industries, or
strengthening existing ones.
Since 2010, the IFCD is providing more than USD 3.5 million in funding
for 61 projects in 40 developing countries, covering a wide range of
areas, from the development and implementation of cultural policies,
to capacity-building of cultural entrepreneurs, mapping of cultural
industries and the creation of new cultural industry business models.
Government authorities and NGOs from developing countries that are
Parties to the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the
Diversity of Cultural Expressions, as well as international
non-governmental organizations (INGOs), are eligible to apply.
Special attention is given in this fourth call to projects aiming at
capacity building for cultural policies, understood as those policies
designed to have a direct effect on the creation, production,
dissemination, distribution of and access to cultural activities,
goods and services. Important information:
•    Government authorities and NGOs are to consult their National
Commissions for UNESCO for the submission deadline at the national
•    National Commissions for UNESCO will forward pre-selected projects
to the UNESCO Secretariat for evaluation by 30 June 2013, midnight
•    INGOs can send their applications directly to the UNESCO Secretariat
before the deadline 30 June 2013, midnight CET.
For more information on the IFCD application process, please refer to



NGO Comments/Suggestions requested

Protect the Girl Childs

Protest Against Rapist of Humanity

Unite Against Rape

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Helping Hand

Call for Proposals: Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education

The deadline for all Letters of Inquiry submissions is MAY 15, 2013
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur-Foundation  or    supports creative people and effective institutions committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. In addition to selecting the MacArthur Fellows, the Foundation works to defend human rights, advance global conservation and security, make cities better places, and understand how technology is affecting children and society.

Background: Secondary school education is measurably associated with positive effects on health, well-being, and productivity (Alvarez 2003). For girls, research shows that those with more years of education marry later (Ozier 2010), have smaller families (Schultz 2002), and survive childbirth at higher rates (McAlister and Baskett 2006). They experience reduced incidences of HIV/AIDS (Hargreaves et al. 2008), earn more (Psacharopoulos and Patrinos 2004), and live in societies with higher national rates of economic growth Read-more

Purpose: The aim of the Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education (PSIPSE) is to accelerate innovation in secondary education programming, research, and development in selected countries. It is led by a group of private donors and donor advisors, including ELMA Philanthropies Services, Human Dignity Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, MasterCard Foundation, and Wellspring Advisors, who have come together to encourage a new wave of innovation and learning in secondary education. This collaboration was born from the principles of the Global Compact on Learning, which underscores the importance of collaborative action to achieve quality learning outcomes, and supports goals of the UN Secretary General’s Global Education First initiative. Participating donors not only work with each other, but also actively aim to enrich the knowledge base of the wider secondary education field.

The PSIPSE began in early 2012, when a Call for Proposals was issued to solicit projects that could help inform the imminent expansion and transformation of secondary education. The 2012 Call yielded over 500 letters of inquiry and, ultimately, 19 projects were selected for over $8 million in support. The 2013 Call for Proposals builds on this momentum and channels attention to critical gaps research has identified in the delivery of more widespread and quality secondary education.  Donors have allocated $10 million for the 2013 Call subject to the quality of proposals received.

Strategic Focus: The PSIPSE’s focus is both upper and lower secondary education. Where schooling at the upper level is further divided between traditional general secondary education and vocational education, PSIPSE is focused on increasing the relevance of general secondary education learning.  PSIPSE supports programs and projects targeted to the formal education system and informal programs that help students transition to or re-enter the formal system.  PSIPSE is interested in four thematic areas: demand, improving teacher effectiveness, promoting employment-relevant skills, and alternative educational models for learning (see ‘Thematic Areas of Interest’ section below). Read-more

The geographic focus for this Call for Proposals is East Africa, Nigeria, and India (see ‘Geography’ section in full call for proposals below). The Call is open to organizations (but not to individuals), including private sector entities proposing projects with charitable purposes, and working on specific education challenges in these places. The PSIPSE is particularly interested in collaborations between non-profit or public stakeholders and private sector entities.

Download the full 2013 Call for Proposals to learn more about thematic areas of interest, types of projects eligible for support, application process, and more.

Video on Investing in Girls' Secondary Education in Developing Countries

Rail Info on SMS

Or See on: *139#

Friday, April 19, 2013

International Development Communities

International Development Communities

Two weeks Capacity Building Program with Field Exposure in "Community Driven Development" from 15-27nJuly, 2013

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center Warangal, A.P, India.

Bala Vikasa PDTC is extremely happy to announce two week-long Capacity Building Program with Field Exposure in “Community Driven Development” (CDD) scheduled from 15 – 27th July, 2013 at Bala Vikasa PDTC  Premises.

The program consists of both theoretical and practical aspects of various approaches and tools for community development. The participants will also be exposed to Bala Vikasa development approaches proven to be successful in the field. The details of the course content, objectives etc. are specified in the enclosed brochure.

The maximum intake number for the training program is only 25. Hence we request to confirm your participation at the earliest by sending your application form attached to this email or download from

The program cost is INR 20000. Scholarships are available for eligible candidates from developing countries on first come fist serve basis. BV-PDTC will reimburse Rs.5000 towards travel expenses for Non-Indian participants and Rs.1000 for Indian participants on the submission of their original travel tickets (second class fare only).

To encourage the participation of NGOs from different countries in capacity building programs, Bala Vikasa PDTC provides food and accommodation – (Non A/C rooms 3 sharing basis) within the premises of PDTC, at its own cost.

For further details, please refer to the attached prospectus or contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-9849844868 / 9849165890 or 91-870-2453255.

For more details on Bala Vikasa programs refer to our website
Kindly share the information on this important capacity building program to your friends/colleagues/network groups and other organizations in your region or networks.

Registrations are in progress.
We appreciate your cooperation in this regard.

With best wishes
Mr. S. Shoury Reddy
Executive Director

The Book


Thursday, April 18, 2013

NGO Dreams

Be the Cange

Let us Go Together

My World 2015

Polio-free world

2013 SEED Awards Applications Now Open

Call for Applications: 2013 SEED Awards seek innovative projects on gender equality and women’s empowerment
Posted on April 16 2013 

New York, 16 April 2013 –UN Women joins the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the government of Flanders, the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the international law firm Hogan Lovells in supporting theSEED Award, an initiative that aims to help the most promising start-up entrepreneurs, women-led enterprises and other social and environmental inspiring businesses to integrate ideas and proposals to address pressing local issues.

Innovative and entrepreneurs from emerging economies, developing and least developed countries c
an send their applications to win a tailor-made support package to help expand their business, as part of the 2013 SEED Awards, which opens today.

The award includes expert advice on developing their business plans for the winners, as well as their participation in specially-designed workshops to enhance their skills, and benefit from high-level profiling of their enterprises through an international network of businesses, governments and development institutions.

For the 2013 cycle, SEED will make available up to two SEED Gender Equality Awards, supported by UN Women. To check country eligibility for the Gender Equality Awards use the SEEDS country eligibility check.

To be eligible to apply for the SEED Gender Equality Award, the enterprises need to:
  • Demonstrate entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.
  • Show the intention and potential to become financially sustainable.
  • Be a partnership between different stakeholder groups.
  • Be locally driven or locally led.
  • Demonstrate that it has the potential for scale up or significant replication.
  • Be in the early stages of implementation.
  • Be from a country with a developing or emerging economy.
  • Be run or owned by a woman or women and prioritise gender equality and/or women’s empowerment as a core objective.
Detailed eligibility criteria are available at, along with details of previous Award Winners.

Applications can be filled in online at the SEED Initiative or can be downloaded and emailed to seedawards2013[at] Applicants may also contact the SEED Initiative by email or phone (+49 30 89 00 068 99) in case they are not able to submit their application electronically.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 12 June, 2013, 23:59 Central European Time (CET).