NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, July 27, 2012

Capacity Building and Networking workshops for NGOs

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce following capacity building and networking workshop for NGOs in your region. The workshop sessions will be taken by experienced fundraising consultants and trainers. 

This workshop is designed specifically to support Fundraising staff and NGO functionaries.

Location                               Date                                                      Workshop Topic
New Delhi            -               8 – 9 August,  2012                         Social Media for NGOs
Lucknow              -              17 – 18 August, 2012                       Capacity Building and networking workshop
Bangalore            -              23 – 24 August, 2012                       Social Media for NGOs
Mumbai               -              27 – 28 September, 2012                 Social Media for NGOS

Please contact us for further information about these workshops. You may also or contact or
The SAFRG team is looking forward to meet you at these locations.

Thank you,

Programs Team,
South Asian Fund Raising Group
D 7/7346, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110 070
Tel - 2613 2024 / 2613 2028
visit us at 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Application for financial Assistance under the Scheme of NPYAD

Further to this Ministry’s communication conveying the revised eligibility criteria for financial assistance under the scheme of NPYAD, the undersigned is directed to inform that this ministry invites application for financial assistance under for scheme of National Programme for Youth and Adolescent development, on line, from all the eligible organizations.  Such eligible organization are requested to get themself registered online. The necessary link in this regard has been provided on the website of the ministry under the caption “NGO Partnership System”.  The last date for registration is 31.07.2012.  The hard copy of the detailed application, as per the prescribed proforma, must reach the ministry by 07.08.2012

Under Secretary

2 Days Training on Social Media for NGOs and NPOs

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Donations to NGOs from the Sitaram Jindal Foundation

The Sitaram Jindal Foundation, Jindal Aluminium Ltd., and various other related Societies/Trusts have been giving recurring and non-recurring donations to other charitable institutions having similar objectives, throughout the country for a long time. At present nearly 500 such institutions are getting recurring donations from the Foundation. Large non-recurring donations are given to various institutions for construction of hospitals, school buildings, acquiring medical equipments etc. At present the Foundation is giving donations to the extent of Rs.1.25 crores per annum to various charitable institutions.
Any (charitable) institution desirous of getting donation for furtherance of its charitable activities may obtain Questionnaire from the Foundation or Click the button below to download the Form Online and submit the same duly completed with all relevant details. However it is necessary that an institution seeking donation from the Foundation has valid Recognition and possess Income tax Exemption Certificate given under section 80G or 35AC or 35(1)(ii) etc. of Income Tax Act.