NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

“Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation”

Training program titled “Towards Sustainable Community Based Sanitation” to be held in Bangalore form 20th to 24th June. This course is jointly promoted by Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Ltd ( A Government of Karnataka Undertaking), CDD Society and BORDA, Germany.
CDD (Consortium of DEWATS {Decentralized Waste Water Treatment Systems} Dissemination), have been working on the issue of Sanitation for more than 10 years. CDD have developed DEWATS which will treat the organic waste water generated by the community in to biogas and reusable water for garden. Low cost, no energy use and easy to maintain through community participation. This will be useful for communities in urban and rural areas in reducing incidences of water born diseases. We have installed so far 400 such units in different parts of the country.

Kindly contact if you need any further clarification regarding the course to:
Rajakumar Sankar
CASS – Centre for Advanced Sanitation Systems
(A Unit of CDD Society)
Sy. NO 205, Opp Beedi Workers Layout
Khomagahtta Road,
Bandematta, Kengeri Satellite Town
Bangalore -560 060
Tel: 080 28486700, Mobile: 9448454852

Monday, May 23, 2011

India Volunteer Awards-Extended Deadline for Applications : June 20, 2011,midnight IST

Volunteers are a resource and NGOs need to manage volunteers like a resource.
The "Volunteer involving NGO of the Year" award is given to organisation that have excellent policies and practice of involving volunteers in their organisation

The volunteer involving NGOs of the year award will be given to an NGO based on the following criteria
• How volunteers are managed in the organisation.
• Does the organisation has a volunteering policy?
• What steps the organisation takes to ensure that volunteers have a good experience.

To apply for the "Volunteer involving NGO of the Year" award please click

Friday, May 20, 2011

- International, Government Fundraising & Proposal Writing training in Kolkata

International, Government Fundraising & Proposal Writing training in Kolkata
Date: 10th & 11th June 2011
Radhanath Choudhury Road,
Tangra, Kolkata,

for more details contact:

Dr. D. Nirmal Kennedy,
President & C.E.O
Nice Foundation
No. 7 C, Semmenpet 2nd Street ,
Kellys, Chennai - 600010, Tamil Nadu, South India .

Tel:091-44-43539636, 26650353




The NGO Co-ordination Cell was constituted in the Mahila Vikas Samabaya Nigam (MVSN) under the guidance of Women and Child Development Department with a view to helping the vulnerable group in the State by promoting new NGOs and supporting the ones which are already operating, especially at the grass-root levels. It also functions as a single window reception counter at the Mahila Vikas Samabaya Nigam (MVSN) for all NGO-related activities being coordinated by different Sections of the Department.

For further information, please contact:

NGO Co-ordination Cell
Mahila Vikas Samabaya Nigam
Toshali Bhawan, Satyanagar
Bhubaneswar - 751007.
Tel. 0674-2573023
e-mail :

Friday, May 13, 2011

Grantmakers Online - A unique social networking tool for non-profits


The first of its kind, anywhere in the world!
It’s hugely time consuming for a charity or NGO to search the web for organizations that might support it financially. Databases are well beyond the means of smaller charities and most organizations in the developing world but, with a few exceptions, databases offer a limited analysis of what grant makers actually support, and the best source of information is therefore grant maker’s website.
Grantmakers Online is a FREE interactive database of worldwide grant-makers. Developed to answer the need for a central location for identifying potential funders in a particular country/region from wherever you are in the world, it currently includes over 6000 entries (and growing!) of grant-makers from around the world who have websites in English and who make grants either nationally or internationally.
Grantmakers Online goes much further than being just an ordinary database. It’s a philanthropic community, powered by its users who can share what they know and benefit from other people’s sharing. If Charities won’t share for the common good, who will? Its interactive design is such that you can add details of new grant-makers known to you which are not listed on the database; amend existing grant-maker records in the light of your own experiences; post comments and ask questions of your peers: and share experience across the world of fundraisers.
In addition, grant-makers themselves are encouraged to use the database as a shop window for their services. Updating their own entries as their policies evolve, answering questions posted by fundraisers, and notifying the community of RFPs and other grant opportunities.
Grantmakers Online is still evolving and as it develops it will become an invaluable central point of contact for fundraisers and grant-makers worldwide.
“We are very excited about Grantmakers Online. The site is still in early stages of development, its growth and evolution will depend on its users. We have many plans for its advancement and think it has a good deal of potential,” says David Wickert, Chapel & York’s Chief Executive.
Log on to today – it’s free and will remain free if you participate.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI), MHRD, GOI, Invite proposals for Pojects before 15th June 2011

The National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI) supports rural institutes for promotion of rural higher education. The vision and purpose of NCRI are unique and founded on Gandhian ethos. To accomplish its objectives, NCRI invites project proposals in various categories (detailed list enclosed) from rural institutions from across the country.

All proposals should be presented in clear terms viz: coverage area, target group, and impact / outcome in quantifiable terms, with clear direction on how the implementing organisation plans to achieve the desired outcome in the specified timeframe. Please find enclosed the (specimen) format of information to be furnished.

Projects that seek to fill the gaps in existing systems / mechanisms / practices should conduct a detailed study / survey of the problem area (identifying the gaps), prior to submission of the proposal. If such survey / study has already been conducted by the organisation or by an authorised government agency, a copy of the same should be enclosed with the project proposal.

Please not that Incomplete or vague projects proposals will be rejected without assigning any reason and the decision of the NCRI shall be final in this regard. However, this does not preclude the institution from submitting a fresh proposal.

The last date for submission of project proposals is 15th June, 2011.

Please click on the following link to download the project proposal guidelines

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FCRA Comes into Force W.E.F May 2011

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) 2010 has been notified and it has come into force with effect from 1/5/2011. FCR Rules 2011 have also come into force from 1/5/2011.
Key features of FCRA 2010 include the following:
• Concept of ‘permanent’ registration done away with; A five-year registration is provided so that dorman organisations do not continue. All existing registered organisations are deemed to be on a five-year validity from now.
• ‘person’ has been defined in a broader sense
• ‘Organisations of political nature’ cannot receive foreign funds.
• Ceiling on administrative expenses has been prescribed.
• Procedure for suspension and cancellation of registration has been Prescribed.
• Statutory role provided for banking sector in regulation.
• Time limits have been provided for accountability of officials
• To deal with bona fide mistakes of NGOs, provision has been made for ‘compounding’ of offences.
Details are available on Ministry of Home Affairs website-